Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, January 18, 2009

..::Dinner at 'Small Genting'::..

Lol.. Dad the Maharaja

His new Tee (from mom).. That's why..

Go all the way up for Gasoline???!!


The so called "exotic view"

Meet Mr. Cassidy!! (from dear of course =D)

It's so huggable

Thursday, January 15, 2009

..Went to the temple.. Mom interviewed for a job.. Got it.. * Ish, I want a job

..Went to school.. Passed some books to Kah Yan.. *WEE!! Another 20 bucks in my

..Still gives me the goosebumps when I saw the 'big fellas' lol
..Then to KLCC with 'itu itu budak lagi' XD

At the playground

Watched 'They Wait'
Aihz.. Just another horror movie
Not scary.. It's funny & cute
Ghosts are funny
Skeletons are cute
Predicted every part
but but but.. "someone" was scared XD


The aftermath -__-
After tying a bun for the WHOLE day, you get this -__-
My dad even asked me "When you perm your hair?? " -__-"
If I had permed my hair and this is the result, I would have sue the stylist man!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

WEE!!~~Went to Sungei Wang yesterday
& pierced the third hole!!
Genting Trip, 2nd & 3rd Jan::..
..After going through all the obstacles..
..We finally get to go.......

In the bus and off we go!!

In the Cable Car

The peeps

Xuanie, Jason and Sai Keet
(The other 3 went snookering all day -_-")


The BORING BORING alien thingy
(more ike disco)

What else besides McD??!!

History repeats!!!

Waited outside for our card

Lazy Xuanie pigging XP

BLOODY RETARDED KIDS who jumped queue!!
Think you're what??!! Lim Goh Tong's grands??!!!!
Even if you are, you can't just cut in like this you BOORs!!!
Mother didn't teach you??!!!

While Roller Coaster-ing

Motion Master!!
The Adventures of Jett and Jin!!

Was the best among the others!!
(much better than the Ali Baba!!)


Me and Xuanie

Same quote - When there's a morror, there will be pics

Xuanie and I in the
slow moving gondola again

Messaging my budak

Sai Keet, Jason and I

Me, Xuanie and Jason

Night walk (I wasn't cold!!)


Played whatever card games there is

Zhi Wei, Leroy, Chia Han, Sai Keet, Xuanie and Jason



(Just like we planned the night before =P)

*We had to because we didn't want to waste 38 bucks XP


It was raining cats and dogs so we went

back to our room and WHACKED the leftover breakfast

*Bread + Tuna + M&M = NOT BAD!!


Enjoyed wad!!

Our messy messy room =P

(Bread crumps all over the bed)

Dad searching through Sungei Wang for Bermudas
& look!!! They sell it in PDI Genting!! Lol

Bumper Car was the best!!

Sai Keet's enormous hand

In Snow World *Freaking dark & bloody cold!!

The slide was DARN awesome!!!

(though it hurt my butt =.=)

Jason, Me and Xuanie

Then walked to McD....


*Phone buzzed.. He called



Me : Where are you now??

He : Alone walking in Times Square..

Me : Hah?? Alone?? I thought you're meeting up with your friends..

He : Ya.. Later..

Me : O...

He : Eh, if I come to Genting now how ar??

Me : Come la...



*few minutes later

Phone buzzed again

He : Ei, I'm here d..

Me : Ya right.....

He : Haha.. You turn behind...


I WAS STUNNED (Happie stunned)!!!!!!!

STUNNED STUNNED STUNNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


HE APPEARED!!!!!!!!! ARRRR!!!!
(I wanted to scream.. lol)

OH MEEE GOSHHH!!! You came all the way up!!
Well.. Almost speechless =D
Walked around with him..
*Sorry to ditch the others but I don't think
there's a difference with or without me =D

Sunday, January 4, 2009

..RAWRR!!invade ur blog :P!

you own me a kiss!!:D

Thursday, January 1, 2009

I love MARGARITA!!!!!!!!
..Went to Monte's, Bangsar for dinner..
..The Margarita was yummylicious!!!!!!!
..Dad said it was bitter & sour..
..I say it's fantastic!! =D
..Drank almost 2 glasses..
AND I'm not DRUNK!! lol
AND I'M CRAVING FOR MORE!!!!!!!!! *Addicted =P
My first glass

Margarita (Shake)

My second glass

Margarita (Blended)

Mushroom soup



Norwegian Grilled Salmon

Charbroiled Lamb

Sizzling Lamb

Mom and Dad

Dad and I

The bill!! O.O


Certainly DO NOT look drunk
Do I??

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