Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Crazy Crazy..

Pics taken the other day...
Chee Fai says WHAT??

Ta Da!!!! erm.. Chill CF..

Just danyal

Dan the King!!

The Bored Factor

Kian Wee (monkey face)

The Class

Kian Wee and Jason Gay-ing


Xiao Mi

:D Reached school exactly the same time with Michy!! haha~~ sot sot
..During assembly.. the "headmistress" called the 'straight As students' to give their speeches..
..They were 'ya da-ing'.. bla bla..

..Quickly 'dush' down to the 'Discipline Room' to get Hui Jing's History book before Godzilla Faziatul sees us.. :P

After recess::..
..During History lesson.. Michy and I were chatting again~~ as usual
..Half an hour before class over--- Teacher told us that we have to hand in the book..
.. O.O Craps!! Haven't complete!! Michy and I wrote at train's speed.. ~~siao!!
..Moral lesson was stupid and funny!!
..Fairy came in.. as usual.. TheN......
..'They played' America's Next Top Model.. ~~swtright
..Actually Fairy started it first.. He announced who made the most progress using the 'ANTM way'..
..HEY FAIRY!! Who do you think you are?? Tyra??!! YUCK!!
..Then he(she) asked us to do answer questions.. bla bla..
..Then he(she) wrote this on the board~~


..Then Fairy said "Nak tukar pisang kepada pizza?? Setuju tak Rohen??"
..I shook my head.. He saw.. "Kylie tak setuju! Dia nak makan pisang..."
..Everyone laughed.. Jee Ken said "Kylie nak pisang.. tapi pisang yang lain!!" O.O
..I just looked away.. :P and Jee Ken continued crapping..

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