Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

First time Blogging...

My first time blogging.. A Little +oo Late, Perhaps.. : P
I would much prefer the traditional way which is 'writing'.. -_-
but since I surf the net 'SO MUCH' lately.. (almost everyday)
I might as well blog.. :P

.. Just like any other 'ordinary' day..
..Nothing happened.. Finally saw Michy..
..Haven't seen her for 5 DAYS..
..Raining cats and dogs EARLY in the MORNING..
..Was FREEZING COLD in the class..
..Good thing is I don't have to get WET..
..Yean was 'unlucky'.. :P
..She had to take off her socks and shoes AND walk bare foot..
..MIRACLE.. The ANNOYING PREFECTS didn't 'shoo' us out from the class..
..HATE prefects.. Not you Xuanie.. PREFECTS from SBS.. especially Form 4s..
..After recess.. "History Open Book Test"..
..We only had 35 minutes to finish one essay..
..Lucky me.. Just in time..
..Anyway, who cares?? My mom doesn't know.. So, I don't give a DAMN about
this stupid 'Intervensi'..
After School::..
..Got a shock when I reached aunt's shop..
..It was closed and I was like "What the.. how am I going to go in??"
..Sat outside for 10 FREAKING minutes with the SUN.. And lucky she came back..
..If not i'll be cursing like HELL.. :P
..Finally get to go online..
..Asked Michy and Xuanie so many questions about the blog thingy..
(Sorry guys.. Bothered you too much.. :P)
..Going for BM tuition later.. Another laughing class (thanks to Alvin Sim)..
..And now I'm off to DINNER!! Hungry..


1 trash:

Unknown said...

lolx...welcome to blogging world..
5 days..hehe..i know you miss me a too..haha..
happy blogging la~~


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