Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, July 13, 2008

H3adach3... >.<

Aihz.. Followed mom to the International Beauty Expo at the
KL Convention Centre..
..Had 'tuna sandwich' for breakfast.. It was DELICIOUS!!
..Craving for more.. :P
At the Beauty Expo::..
..There were hundreds of peeps.. Crowded~~
..The 'SenseandStyle' were having some kind of a make up
competition..and... those gurls were HORRIBLE!! ~~seriously
..They wore costumes which were FAR more worse than those
..One of them wore 'PAPER' I guess.. -_-''
..Kind of bored.. Helped mom give out some catalogues...
..Then walked to KLCC.. alone.. ALL alone..
..Walked around.. DARN BORED.. was like a ZOMBIE
..Went to Kinokuniya.. sucked coz all the books and mags were
wrapped up.. Which made things A LOT worse..
..Lucky some of them were opened.. or shall I say 'destroyed'??..
..I was so hungry until my hands and legs were shaking~~literally
..Had lunch with mom at Dome.. Carbonara Seafood..
..Walked back to the centre.. Waited for dad to come pick me up..
..So tired.. Tired of typing.. :P


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