Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Just aihz..... -_-

..PATHETIC!! Khairol punished us for not finishing Maths homework.. :P
..I didn't bring the text and exercise book..
..He made us stand in front of the class.. (sweat much)
..Bio sucked.. Don't even know what the "DR" was crapping..
After recess::..
..Yeay!! The Old Lady wasn't here..
..Went to the library..
..Sat far away from the teacher.. :P
..Mich and I sat like we were on the beach..
..Then passed by 5A.. Wen Fu asked me to go in..
..When I reached his place.. He said "Nothing" -_-'' Urgh..
..Then Sze came in and told me "He has testis cancer.."
..I replied.. "Eh, wait wait wait!! He has testis??" :P
..Went to Chem lab.. Darn smelly!!
..Did the ester thingy.. YUCK!!
..Mich, CF, Jason, Nat and I were chatting only.. Didn't bother what WMR was crapping..
After school::..
..Bored.. Found some nice themes for my phone..
..Downloaded cbox..
..Nothing much.. Boring life.. aihz..

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