Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, July 18, 2008

Unexpected.. O.O

Holy Faeces!!
..During assembly.. Teacher informed us that there will be a 'Discipline Forum' which means.......
..There will also be a spotcheck... and I was like --> O.O
..Goth!! During the forum.. Faezah took Mun Tou's bag and found his CD and cellphone..
..We were like "SHIT!!" but anyway, it's not mine.. so.. no worriessss... :P
..Listened o the teachers 'ya da-ing' in front..
..Mich and I was grumbling.. "Faster spot la!!" "Spot me first!!" ~~sweat much
After recess::..
..Gurls from From 1 to 5 had to go to the Auditorium..
..To listen to some hygiene thingy.. PADS..
..Teachers want to install some kind of 'Sanitary Bin' in the gurls' loo AND....
..She asked us whether we need the bin.. AND..
..She wants all of us to 'contribute a little'... Everyone said "Tak Perlu!!" :P
After school::..
..Hanged out at Aunt's shop for awhile.. Was eating some kind of 'fruit'...
..Was so bored...
..Then.. After lunch.. My cousin a.k.a. Danny asked me whether I want to go 'long gai'..
..And I immediately agreed.. (effect of extreme boredom) :P
..Waited for him to take his shower.. then we chiao-ed..
..Went to buy 'oil'.. Then picked up ONE OF HIS GURLFRIENDS at Leisure.. haha :p
..He was crapping and crapping and crapping in the car..
..Both of us were scolding and teasing those stupid retarded drivers along the way.. :P
(as if we're pros)
..Returned 'shop' SAFELY.. THANK GOD!!
..Just online.. and did nothing..
..Yeay!! I can sleep late tomorrow!!
..Sorry..syok sendiri..

..Tuition was fun!! Not the 'study part'...
..We laughed and laughed 'till our heads nearly dropped..
..Thanks to Alvin Sim, Fatt Hon the Fish, Newbie Jit Lun and Ryan the Skinny and Tall..
..I think when we enter Chapter 4 Bio.. (Reproduction)...
..Just imagine.. == DISASTER!!

~Signing off~

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