Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


..Early in the MORNING!!
..A bloody retarded moronic bitch ass pissed me off...
..During assembly.. That bitch prefect came to me and said "Can you please clip your hair??"
..Of course.. I didn't even look at her.. Then she asked Michy to do the same thing..
..I was about to take the clip and that bitch.. "Please clip.. Do you have a clip?"
..I wanted to shout SHUT UP!! Then She said "Err.. You're not allowed to wear that earring( stick-
stupid.. Can't even differentiate stick and earring...)" "Please take it out now.."
..I just ignored her and talk to Michy.. but I did what she told me to.. ~~
..And then that bitch said "Excuse me.. Do you mind.. I'm talking to you.."
..Me : SO!!!!
..Bitch : I'm talking to you.. and please take out the...."
..Me : I'm doing la!! I can't do so many things at one time okay!!!!!"
..Bitch : Then please do it faster..
..Me : SO!! It's my wish!!!
..Bitch : No, it's not...
..Me : Yes, it is!! I'm a slow person and I like to do it slowly!!!
..That moron just looked at me.. while I did it SLOWLY...
..Then the bitch just walked away...
..Man!! I wanted to shout at her face F*** OFF BLOODY BITCH!!!
..Calmed down during English lesson.. Danyal was so funny.. Teacher asked him to explain about
Chapter 1 The Pearl...
..Suppose it only take 5 minutes.. But he took HOURS to explain.. We.. Just laughed..
..Then another BITCH annoyed me.. Annoyed us!!
..The Stupid Bitch Teacher came in to our class.. Man.. She's such a moron..
..Aihz.. I don't want to write anything about her.. BITCH!!
..Craps.. Scared me.. Jason and the guys suddenly told us that there will be spotcheck..
..Spotcheck.. Got.. For Form 2s only.. Urgh..
..Funny things happened.. Erm.. Bu neng shuo de mi mi..~~ :P
..Followed mom to see doc.. Then.. Leisure Mall!!
If you happen to read this.. I feel the same way as you do.. ~~Seriously..

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