Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Last Post Before DOOM MONTH O.O

Boring Sunday!!
..Okay.. I'm going to write about my dear..
..He's cute, awesome, caring, loving, sociable, hardworking (sometimes lazy =P),
man (sometimes kiddy =P), huggable =P, sometimes blur, his hair is his second life xP
he loves to party (oops..), he knows almost everyone (City Boy huh)

..He's round, silver and flat.. (Think)
..Sometimes round and pink..
O.O Don't get it??

...Want to see him?? Want to see him??
..GO GO!! Scroll down!!!!



Isn't he adorable??!!! XD
He is my pig =P
Things to do after SPM::..
..Go out
..Clubbin' (if and only if my mom gives the green light =P)
..Try all types of alcoholic drink xP
..Party more
..Go on vacation
..Sleep more
Most important task.......
..Hangout with my dear of course =D

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