Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, December 5, 2008

History repeats.........

..I thought I don't have to go through the pain again........
..I thought I don't have to suffer anymore......
..But.. Why???!!
..Why is it happening again??.......
..History is repeating............. ....
..You came to ruin my life!!!
(Lol..Too much the 'DRAMA')
..Gosh!! Anyway, wearing the retainer is MUCH MUCH worse than wearing
the braces..
..It's like eating a sweet 24/7..
..I can't close my mouth properly!!!
..I can't even talk properly.. I talk like a RETARD!!!
..Taking it off and putting it back in is difficult!!
..Nightmare O.O
..Worst thing is.....I have to live with it for 9 FREAKING MONTHS,24/7!!
-_- and EVERY NIGHT for the rest of my life..
..My dad was like --> O.O!! "What??!! 9 months??!!" Lol
..But by the time I'm 70, I think all my teeth would have fallen off..
..So...... Haha!!!!


See how fugly my teeth was..
All croocked..
And the colour of this mould made it worse -_-''
(Just like zombie)

See.. It's all nice and straight now =D

My FUGLY retainer case
(It's PINK..EEWWW!!!)

The Essix Retainer a.k.a. Clear Aligner

The Wire Rretainer

Lol.. Don't think i'll use it

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