Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Shopping with Xuanie (TS-ed and Sg-ed)
..This woman..She was the one who enthusiastically said want to shop but ended up
buying nothing and spending only 5 bucks on a plate of Nasi Lemak and Tea -_-
..While I, was buying stuff like mad.. *Not fair -_-
..Bought a pair of shoes which I kind of regreted buying.. 50+ bucks *shit
..It's so difficult to get a pair of heels due to my bloody big and wide feet..
..And now it's bloody pain..
..NEVER WEAR HEELS TO SHOP (I've learnt my lesson -_-")
.."Flip flops!! You're always the BEST!!!"
..Bought an X'mas gift for mom..
..All together spent 100+ bucks...
..Gosh... Seriously need to save.. I'M BROKE!!!!
..Not going to buy anything anymore after buying Christmas gifts..
..Need to save for the Genting trip =D

Gold's Xuanie's..
Black's mine (The new one I bought)
Smart womans who wore heels to shop..
Couldn't stand the pain..
So we simply grabbed a few clothes
and hung out in the dressing room..

When there's mirror, there'll be pictures =P
(We have the same phones)

Babi shoes

Never thought we would actually try those clothes on..

Xuanie wearing my shoes and the skirt she grabbed..Lol

Haha!! Fatty in the house
(Christmassy feel)

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