Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Horror much??

What the hell is wrong with Blogger??!!!!
Where is the 'font', 'size', and 'colour'??!!!
Stupid Blogger!!!!

Anyway, went to "pun san pa"(Half Forest)/ a.k.a. "wai sik gai" for dinner..
Chaotic!! It was raining donkeys and sheeps while we were eating..
Sitting at the corridor didn't help at all..
The wind caused the rain to sweep in and I was drenched =.=
There were moments where we laughed crazily XD
(Thanks to the rats)


People jumping on the stool to avoid dirty creepy rats running around!!
(The rats were hopping up from the water which made almost everyone shouted like mad)

Tsk-tsk... Dirty contaminated water ><

I just love the sunset =)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

..invade my girlfriend's bloggie x)


Monday, February 16, 2009

..::Photoshop & Make Up::..

I so do not support photoshop....
I do not fancy photoshop..
In fact, I kind of against it...
Coz it's more like 'faking it'...
I mean adding a little effect like black&white or sepia or whatever shit you call it
is OKAY..
But altering the original look of a person is soo fake...
A gurl, I once thought she was a genuine pretty face..
Little did I know.. Her photos were all photoshopped.....

:Make Up:
A.K.A "Road to Cancer"
Make up products contains high amount of Vitamin E which is bad thing..
And us humans only require only 100 I.U. of Vitamin E a day...
Make up products DEFINITELY exceeds that amount..

Putting on make up regularly does quite a damage
--> killing your skin cells
--> clog pores
--> causing nasty pimples to pop out

Light & natural make up definitely is okay..
Applying a little foundation, mascara, eye shadow, blush is OKAY
98% of girls need it...
Undeniable.. "duh"

But "some girls"..... apply heavy make up and make themselves look like
They think they look DROP DEAD BEAUTIFUL
but as a matter of fact they look more like a WHORE or HARLOT or PROS or SLUT or whatever you want to name it..

Unless you're in a high fashion shoot, for peep's sake..
Don't go for the dramatic look!!
It actually looks scary =S
*Come on, you're just going shopping*
Lots of peeps tend to apply foundation which doesn't match their skin tone
(Mostly much lighter than the skin colour)
As a result.. They look like GHOSTS

Just think about it.. Okay yea...
Maybe some girls really look pretty after wearing those heavy make up..
But once she takes it off..... Imagine the horror O.O!!
*a little exaggerating

Still "whoa" That's the original look..
Once make up, always make up...
Without it, SHEESH.. "People" won't even go out of the house -__-

Guys think girls look gorgeous with make up.. Not cool
Some "other" guys know it's because of the trick of make up.. Cool
For example Chief Reverand.. Even HE
knows it's all just make up..

`Case 1 (Chief) In the Temple`
Mom : Chief, you see.. The bride and those girls look so beautiful..
Chief : *Laughs and sighs*.. No no.. It's all artificial!!
Mom : *Laughs*.. Chief, you also know it's fake ar...
Chief : Ya la..

`Case 2 (Dad) At Kim Gary`
Dad : don't look ar..
Me : I will look!!
Dad : Later fiiirst.....
Me : Okay.. What?? Why??
Dad : The girl behind you look like the hantu in 13 Ghosts
Me : *Turns immediately*.. HAHAHHA!!!!!! Totally!!!!!!
Dad : You know why they make up 'till like that ar..
Me : Why??
Dad : They go out once in a blue moon only..
So they put the make up until like that..
You see those always go out wan won't put 'till like that..

Nah.. What I'm trying to say is don't overdo it &

Now this really pisses me off!!
Because of make up, whales are being killed!!
This is so ridiculous!!

Blubber from whales are used as material for make up..
Taking a whales' life for beauty is so SICK!!
Whales are endangered species FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!!

And also for HEALTH!!!
Recently, a lipstick brand called 'Red Earth' reduced its price from
$67 -> $9.90.....
It contained lead!! O.O
which DUH causes cancer...
Lipsticks which are long-lasting contains higher amount of lead..
The higher the content of lead, the greater the chance of causing cancer

Applying make up is money and time consuming..
Spending hours to make up is a waste!!
Spending money to buy the product.. Total waste!!
I mean for rich chicks, who cares..
They can spend their fortune on MAC, Christian Dior, Lancome, Y.S.L, Estee Lauder, etc..
But for those not-so-well-to-do chicks, they often buy those products from night markets or buy brandless products..
Products with good brands at least contain better quality materials..
Imagine what the brandless products can cause....

Haha.. I'd rather look UGLY than patting inches thick of make up
and destroy my already-sensitive-skin
(Gave me rashes and made my my skin come off) =.=

& I'd rather look fat or uneven or chubby in pics than get it
photoshopped coz that's my original look..
I accept the fact about how I look ;)

So.. Yea.. Whatever..


Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Why mom?? Why?? Everyday you bombard me about the same thing..
I'm sick of it!!! Enough!!
Ya.. I don't talk.... I don't like to talk much!!!
I like being invisible!!
I just don't want to talk!!
SO WHAT???!!!!!!!!
It's just me okay!! My characteristic!! Mine!! My own!! I make the rules!!
And you said it annoys people when I keep quiet.. WTH!!
So who ever thinks it's annoying then BUZZ OFF!!!!!
I don't F***ing need so many people in my life
So it's like WHATEVER okay
And when I feel like talking I'll talk
Don't force me...
Sometimes it annoys me also because when I have the mood to blab,
you wouldn't want to listen or you would say something else which TOTALLY
has no connection to what I'm talking....
So.. We're EVEN
Don't even say I annoy you coz you do too =)

Sunday, February 8, 2009


..::Whacked again!! 8th Feb::..

Here's the birthday dude!! Lol.. My 3rd Uncle

Celebrated at Overseas Restaurant

This cake again.. Every year every birthday


Mateus is always ze bezt

Okay okay.. Just now was hilarious..
As soon as we got there, we saw a few gurls stepping out of their car..
My first thought.... *Whoa, LENG LUI!!*
Then I noticed something unusual about them..
Danny and I were like O.O Then he said "hou sam la" (Puh-leez) *LOL*
They sat near us in the restaurant.. So we were talking about them..
(Imagine Petronas Twin Tower and KL Tower in a restaurant =S)

Then 2 of them stood up and walked to the washroom..
Danny said again "Hou chi leong luk chu hang gan gai"(Like 2 poles walking)
*We laughed again XP

He : Neh, dai hui dei hui clubbin ngam ge la..
Di yan dhai dou yat ba bei hui dei fun lok dei ha
(Neh, bring them go clubbin ngam la..Those people saw, one slap give them sleep on the floor)

Both of us were basically looking at gurls the whole night.. Looking for hotties =D
*We always do that.. Gap lui is our hobby.. Haha!!
Then.. Again.. We saw one hottie walking to the washroom..
So I nudged him and he turned to look.. We STARE and STARE 'till she went in..

He : Oi.. Go in see..Scan every part then tell me everything
Me : *Stood up* No prob

*TOILET* damn small
3 gurls(lalas) were standing in there make up-ing *duh!!
So I pretended to go into one of the cubicles
I got out and looked at them..The "hottie" *NOT* was applying eye liner
Another one playing with her phone..
While I was walking back to my seat, my look was like this --> -__-
He was laughing like shit.. Just by my look, he knows they **** .. oops =P
Seriously, back view, SUPER HOT!! front, OH MY ^#$#@#$@%$@$
*Sorry.. I know I'm neither HOT nor Beautiful but... sheesh..

Sam pats again

..::House visiting, 7th Feb::..
Went to Auntie Eli's house *Red packet!! XP
Bj-ed almost the whole night.. LOST like #$@@^%#$^$ =X
Nvm.. At least we had a good laugh everytime..
I'll never forget Benjamin's Case *LOL*

Yeay!! We 38ss!! Haha!!

Xuanie(mad woman who laughed most of the time =P),
Me(what China doll??!! Cina abek la!!) and
Zhi Wei(Oi!! Reatarded ar??!! XD)

Showing off his PATHETIC "talent" *GROSS!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


..::Sunday, 1st Feb::..

Dear and itu itu zEwEi came to my house..
*Trashed my room XP


Desperate level 99%..
One more percent, they'll jump in

Cha BO!!!!

Double Cassidy!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


..::Penang Trip, CNY 29th Jan::..

..Day 1..
Here we are!!
Heading to Tanjung Bungah

(again, no flirting this time..Mom booked it =D)

3 8 for a while first XD

Mom and I

SEE!! I brought Mr Cassidy along!!


Who says women/gurls can't read maps!!!!

I successfully brought them around!! =D

Gurney Drive


Okie only

Went to Gurney Plaza's Cold Storage..
Bought Mateus and some beers

LOL.. We saw some lalas doing
this pose so we imitated them XD

..Day 2..

On the mini ISLAND!!

3 8

Now you see it...............Now you don't!! =D

Kek Lok Si Temple
"People mountian people sea"

13 YEARS AGO =D................ NOW!! HAHA!!

This was the okay-est food in Penang *seriously

Dinner at The Ship





Mateus was the best!! And it's our own..
*25 bucks surcharge =.=

Went back to the hotel and drank Budweiser =D

Real................................ FAKE *It's a phone.. lol

3 8

..Day 3..

Ooppsss.. I destoyed the shower curtain XP


Breakfast *was okay

Suppossed to be leaving but thanks to dad who went
the wrong way he finally found the 'char koay teow'
that he was talking about all the time -__-
(Don't come here!!)

Eat again -__-"

Otak-otak (Brain brain) lol

5 bucks for this plate of shit!! *Not nice at all!!

Of course we have to finish every bit.. It's 5 bucks!!

Bye bye Penang

Was too bored..

Aihz.. Just sleep

Reached Ipoh..
Dad asking for direction to the salted chicken thingy

He asked him the direction to the
chicken shop he told us to look for the bird shop =.="

Ask again.. Lol

Finally got it!!

People buying chicken like they have never eaten it before..
*For peeps sake..Its just chicken -__-"

Lunch at one of the shops.. BO HO CHIAK!!

Look at the stuff we bought!!!
Took up the 2 seats at the back

Went to grand's house after that..


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