Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, February 8, 2009


..::Whacked again!! 8th Feb::..

Here's the birthday dude!! Lol.. My 3rd Uncle

Celebrated at Overseas Restaurant

This cake again.. Every year every birthday


Mateus is always ze bezt

Okay okay.. Just now was hilarious..
As soon as we got there, we saw a few gurls stepping out of their car..
My first thought.... *Whoa, LENG LUI!!*
Then I noticed something unusual about them..
Danny and I were like O.O Then he said "hou sam la" (Puh-leez) *LOL*
They sat near us in the restaurant.. So we were talking about them..
(Imagine Petronas Twin Tower and KL Tower in a restaurant =S)

Then 2 of them stood up and walked to the washroom..
Danny said again "Hou chi leong luk chu hang gan gai"(Like 2 poles walking)
*We laughed again XP

He : Neh, dai hui dei hui clubbin ngam ge la..
Di yan dhai dou yat ba bei hui dei fun lok dei ha
(Neh, bring them go clubbin ngam la..Those people saw, one slap give them sleep on the floor)

Both of us were basically looking at gurls the whole night.. Looking for hotties =D
*We always do that.. Gap lui is our hobby.. Haha!!
Then.. Again.. We saw one hottie walking to the washroom..
So I nudged him and he turned to look.. We STARE and STARE 'till she went in..

He : Oi.. Go in see..Scan every part then tell me everything
Me : *Stood up* No prob

*TOILET* damn small
3 gurls(lalas) were standing in there make up-ing *duh!!
So I pretended to go into one of the cubicles
I got out and looked at them..The "hottie" *NOT* was applying eye liner
Another one playing with her phone..
While I was walking back to my seat, my look was like this --> -__-
He was laughing like shit.. Just by my look, he knows they **** .. oops =P
Seriously, back view, SUPER HOT!! front, OH MY ^#$#@#$@%$@$
*Sorry.. I know I'm neither HOT nor Beautiful but... sheesh..

Sam pats again

..::House visiting, 7th Feb::..
Went to Auntie Eli's house *Red packet!! XP
Bj-ed almost the whole night.. LOST like #$@@^%#$^$ =X
Nvm.. At least we had a good laugh everytime..
I'll never forget Benjamin's Case *LOL*

Yeay!! We 38ss!! Haha!!

Xuanie(mad woman who laughed most of the time =P),
Me(what China doll??!! Cina abek la!!) and
Zhi Wei(Oi!! Reatarded ar??!! XD)

Showing off his PATHETIC "talent" *GROSS!!

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