Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Wee!! Finally.. Passed my driving test (retake) =D
Aihz.. What to do??.... I'm so noob..
Have to take twice..
Met Jason, a gurl from tuition, Kee Tjin, Kelvin..
WFL 600 is superb.. This car was so easy to control..
Funny part..
After I have finished everything..
I parked the car back to its spot..
When i got down from the car..
Another group of candidate came running trying to get the best car..
A guy ran to me and asked..
"Zher ge che hao ma??!!"
"Na ge clutch yao fang hen duo de ma??!!"
"Accelerator yao ann hen da li de ma??!!"
Man....... Chill!! Mandirin noob here!!
So I said..
"Yea.. This car is very good..Just need to let go the clutch a lil..
Don't have press the accelerator too hard" LOL

*Half an hour later*

He came into the office and told me...
"Na ge che zhen de hen hao o"
Bla bla bla with his friends..

Ish.. But have to go work.. Mom said "urgent"(lie)..
So asked uncle to send me to LRT..
Met up with dear who PURPOSELY waited for me for almost an hour "exploring KL"
*Thanks anyway =D*
Went to the temple (work place) together..
Lunched.. (Sorry la terpaksa makan vegetarian >< )
Then was doing this the whole day =.=

Staple Coupons

With some orphans

Then due my NOOB-ness again -_-"
I staple my finger as well @_@

It's so cute when drops of blood ooze out =D


5 Cendana

Miss high school life man!!!

Miss the times where we can see these freaks gay around

Miss the times where we can see freak raped by maniac

Miss the times where we can(illegally) eat in class

Miss the times where we just(illegally) use
our phones
like nobody's business =P

Lol.. I'm in the 'Hamba" list.. (Minus the apostrophe s)

HEHEHEEHE It says "Hamba" XP

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