Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ti-Ratana's Food and Fun Fair

Was held in La Salle School..
Not bad..
The only sucky thing was the SUN

That's Chief Reverand and I-don't-know-who

Lion Dance troops for the Tan Sri or Dato' whatever
*Don't give a damn*

WTH.. Fun Fair or Garage Sale???

Market???? -__-


Doggie Show of course!!

I got great shots of those doggies jumping and stuff
but the pics are in Cousin PM's cam =(

Aunt Feli and her twinnies, Lung Lung & Lok Lok
(Don't know who's who =P)

Massage.. UU..

Chief pigging XD
His title is effing long..
Don't even want to mention it here..

This dude's voice is phenomenal O.O

This chihuahua is skinny and ugly =S

Effing KAWAII!!!!


De Javu!!! De Javu!!!

This dude here's Victor the Magician
(He ain't that good.. I saw his tricks.. Mom blew his cover XD )

Making a blue poodle

Wee!! Poodle!! Mine =D

Cousin PM's flower.. LOL

Doing his magic

Okie.. So Shan picked this card and showed us..

Then Victor gave each of us his namecard and
said the card that Shan picked is behind the card..

We flipped it and............

"Chief!! No violence!!! You're a reverand!!"

Chief with his pinky sword & pinky bear.. LOL


Chief and I

He said the pic wasn't nice because of his robe..
So Again.. Haha..

Me, Chief & Cousin PM

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