Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Late post

To my beautiful babe, Mich =)

[I don't have your pic.. Had to cut from this group pic =P ]

Mii!!!! Happie Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you lots bff!! =)
Hey!! When's our next 'ice cream session'??? Lol
*Let me spend you again okie!! =D
I want to hang out also!! Lepak!!!

O yea.. And also to Pig Wil.. Lol..

Happie Birthday!! =D


Can't wait for this Saturday!!! XD
Celebrate my Monkey Boy's Birthday!!
Early celebration..
Hmm.. What to do..
Actual date falls on Monday..
Ish.. Got to study =(
Saturday Saturday!! XD

*Miss you badly =/
Hmm... College..
Kind of used to everything now after one week of experience..
Hostel.. Yea.. Used to it..
Supposed to be my home now but I won't call it 'home'..
And for the first time in 9 days I didn't feel hot in the campus..
Thanks to rain =)

Lecturer 'ponteng-ed'..
Tsk tsk..
Made us sit in the hall for nothing -__-
45 minutes later, Course Rep came in to announce that
all the lecturers were having meeting


Attended Counselling Class..
Miss Eva, our Lecturer, totally rocks!! =D
She's different from other lecturers..
She speaks and acts 'informally'.. Cool!!
Lol.. That was what she said..

Hmm.. By the way..
I hate my timetable!!
There will be class on Saturdays!! =*(
What class????????
Introduction to Info Tech [Practical] -________-
And it's only for an hour..
3-4.. The time is so LUDICROUS!!!
No life man!!!!!

Peeps from other schools even have one day off..
Triple S H sucks..

I know I shouldn't be complaining and whining but I WANT TOO!! -.-

Happy stuff~~
Mom bought me a MacBook!!!!!! XD
Wee!! Wee!!
Hell yea!! I'm totally bragging and boasting about it!!
MacBook 13" is good enough for me =D
Though I ain't a graphic design or broadcasting student, mom still got me this XD
Okay okay..
At least let me brag about something before I die..

I hope no one plans to steal it or rob me after reading this ><
I still want to brag about it =D

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