Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, May 30, 2009

That's The Way Aha Aha!!~~

Went to Pav with my monkey!! XD
There were so many homos at Pav..
Long queues at the cinema counters..
Lucky I booked the ticket X)

We passed by this accessory shop and saw these cutie buns XD
So Dear got one for me and himself.. Hehehehe =D
His is the peaceful lookin' one..
[Should have taken the 'perverted' lookin' one XD ]

Watched Night At The Meseum 2..

The part I love most is the 'Einstein scene'..
He's so freaking cute!!! I mean 'they' XD
With their heads shakin' shakin' and singing and the 'pi'..

After the movie..
We headed to Wong Kok to whack some food..

Elehh... LC XP

38 =P

My Boy X)


The Big Baby needs people to feed him =P

After that..
I get to drink my Dark Mocha Frappucino again!!!!!!! XD

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