Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ti-Ratana's Appreciation Night

Was DAMN bored at first.............
Was DAMN hungry!!!!!
Mom and I had to sit with a table of blind people..
Kind of cool XD
Had to serve each one of them..
Sort of fun XD
[We gained merits.. Not like some BITCHES]


Chief ya da-ing in front

Mom and Boon

Blind but smart and good in massage!!
Si Fu wei..

Mom and I

First Game.. Chaotic.. Lame..


She walked to fast..
Couldn't snap a clear shot =l

Second game was LOL..
Was forced up stage to play..
"The Shrinking Newspaper Game"

Third game..
We had to make up for our partner BLIND FOLDED!! XD
Almost laughed my lungs out..

My "BEAUTIFUL" creation

His boobs were one big and one small XD


Mom's..... DOLLY PARTON!!!

Nice bod!!


This one's with NIPPLES!!!


Cat Walk!!

Beauty Pagent


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