Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Busy weekend ><

Nowadays my weekends are totally packed..
Don't even have time to rest at home.....

Yesterday right after IT class..
Went to Lot 10 and Low Yat..
To buy some stuff..
Thought of canceling the Celcom Broadband but........
Thought of getting P1 W1Max but......

Only choices are....
1) Continue using Celcom and start banging my head on the wall due
the effin line here..

2) Use W1Max, the "huge" modem.. Which means I cannot use it
outside unless there's WiFi

3) Use both Celcom and W1Max... [COST A LOT].. Aiks ><

How how how????

Cut the crap..
Went to Uncle's house yesterday..
Little cousin ain't little anymore..
Mom said he looks more and more like Chow Yun Fatt.. LOL
My uncle looks like CYF too!! ^^

So here he is..

Applying something..
Knows how to take care of his face now.. LOL

Me and Yan

Haha!! Looks as if he's putting his middle finger..
"NAH!!!! _I_ " XD


Was rushing out again --
Went to Shogun @ One Utama..

Lol.. Whacking 24/7
Look at my grandma.. LOL

Ush!! The best food ever..... SALMON!!!!!!!!!

This is also one of the best.. Lol..
*Slurp!!* =D

Escargot!! Cheezy........ [mmm]

Once is never enough X]

Fried Salmon.. Hmmm.. Not bad also =D

No Haagen Daaz =[
[65++ What do you expect -.- Unlike Jogoya]

Still.. "Kill!!!" =P
Wee!!!! FAT FAT FAT!!!
Vanilla Blueberry, Corn and Green Tea..
The Green Tea,,,,,,,
Might as well just call it "Flavoured ice" rather than "Ice Cream"

Oops.. I know it's rude to play with food..
But I just can't help XD

'Tom Yam' + Green Tea "Flavoured Ice" XD

'Tom Yam' + Green Tea "Flavoured Ice" + 'Wasabi' X]

After all the whacking and stuffing our stomachs with trash, we walked around..
Thought of leaving buuuuut... We stopped at Nose aaaand...
I got myself a pair of sandals..
Wait.. What the hell is it called??
Bah!! Nevermind..

Hmm.. So.. Got back to my grand's house..
I did not play Gim Rummy today!!! XD
Wee!! Saved A LOT!! =D

Little baby nephew Wu Tong XD

Friday, June 26, 2009

House Gecko

Damn!! Damn!!
There's a stupid retarded moronic LIZARD beside my study desk
WHICH is near my bed!!!!
I kicked the table and I thought I squashed it..
Unfortunately, NO.. I did not............


I don't have to sleep tonight -_____-

Just don't understand why lizards LOVE me so much..
They always lurk in my 'comfort zone'.. The dorm and my own
room at home..
AND make me UNcomfortable
Did I offend lizards in my past life???!!!!!!!!!

Or was I a lizard??? O.o


.. Definitely not going to sleep tonight -.-
But at least there's another tiny lonely crawling soul to accompany me..
[Think of the bright side =) ]
And not to forget my dear who is always in my <3 II


Michael Jackson's death..
Was so sudden......

Another legend gone..

Great loss to the music industry lik
e what my dear said..


Was happie X]

My pig pig came..

Dear bought McD =D

Had Apple Pie!! *Yum*
Fries too!! XD
Wee!! I know... FAT!!!!

Not a crime right???
I won't get sued for that right???? So shut up X]
Watched "Just Follow Law" again while enjoying McD..
Even though I've seen it before, it was still funny..
Especially the 'kong ka kiau' and the indian security guard part XD .................................................................................................

I hate it when it's at night....
In fact I hate going back to the dorm....

The loneliness...
So torturing =(
No one to talk to..
At least when I'm at home..
I can feel the presence of my dad and mom.............
I miss them =*(

Everything's always not going smoothly....


The dorm......

24/7 hot like WTF......
Not really a prob but..




Mac is not really that good.. For me....
The disadvantages :-
~ Unable to subscribe to P1 W1Max..
~ Unable to download Messenger Plus! Live..
~ Unable to install Yahoo Games..

~ Everything has to be Mac version.. Damn troublesome..
.. I'll just let my mom use it and get myself another one..
Any suggestions on which brand??
Aihz.. Nvm.. Guess no one will answer this.....



The Maxis Broadband that I subscribed before this.. Sucks.....

Limited coverage and slow....

Plus in Setapak area.................... -.-

People who knows me KNOW that I am terrified of LIZARDS....
And my 'all time good friend'.. Soooo kind..

Payed me a visit...
Hung out near my bed....
There was water leaking from the roof [Previous room] [MY SIDE]
Had to shift.........................


So after shifting from the fourth floor to the first floor....
Cold like WTH in the morning.....
[Not really a problem either.. but.. I just want to whine about it]

Only SSH students have Saturday class..

Life ruined.....


Switched to Celcom Broadband..


It's so DAMN slow that I can actually.............. *speechless*
The line cuts off every 3 minutes..

I can't sign into Messenger..
Unless I use it at 5 in the morning which I think I'm going to later.....
Most bullshit..
People from Celcom were trying to promote their broadband in TARC..
OMFG..GO HOME!!!!!!!

The USB Hub which I bought..
Cannot be used IN the dorm....

But it functions perfectly well OUTSIDE -.-

My Intranet crashed during the Cocu sign up period WHICH made me
missed first sem Cocu


Another 'good friend' came to find me again..
Smaller this time.. Maybe it's the brother..

To Mr Lizard..

I know you have no where to go just like me..

I know you're lonely just like me..

I know you came just to 'accompany' me..
However, I would deeply appreciate it if you would LEAVE this instant
and attack another room..
There's no food here..
If there had been food, I would have eaten it first..
I don't need you right now..
Coz I'm freaking sleepy and I won't be able to sleep with you crawling around..
And I certainly do not want to find you lying on my face tomorrow morning =S


What the heck am I crapping.............

Maybe I'll just go to bed...

Life is awesome.
How ironic.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

whacking all the way!!!!!!

Father's Day + Auntie Lin's Birthday Celebration
@ Overseas Restaurant

Two words
8 course dinner + Dessert + Fruits + Cheeze Cake = OMFG!!

My stomach is bloated.. 'Till now........ -.-
Seriously feel like throwing up..

Here's everyone
Mom, Dad, Uncle, Auntie, Grandma, Cousin Tim [Aussie dude],
Yong, Cousin SH, Cousin PM and .. Oops.. Danny Low missing =P

Super FAV Sweet & Sour Fish
60%, including it's head finished by mua X]

Birthday "gurl" LOL

Mua and mami!!Goodness.. Need to clip my damn fringe -.-

Cutting the cake like cutting roasted pork

Aww.. Uncle sleeping XD

Eee.. Cake destroyed..
Mission accomplished X]


Mom making this expression coz of dad's disgusting squished cake

In case you don't understand what my dad meant XD
He said..
Uncle's bald head, not good..
Use this alcohol, pour it on the head, rub it, massage it..
And you'll have hair like my aunt..

One week of i-don't-know-what

Total exhaustion..
After class..
Went for violin practice..
Had to walk all the way from the dorm to the Pre-U block -___-
Then HOLY 3 HOURS of non-stop practice..
My shoulders and arms.... FUH!!! Need not to mention..
By the way, the night scene in campus is kind of creepy and SO FREAKING COOL!! Lol..
Then then...
Syaz, Rufi and I walked to TBR for FOOOOOD!!!!!
[I could eat a cow]
Okay.. Done crapping..

Nothing much..
Been busy doing assignment

Went to Jusco with Syaz and Christopher..
Grocery shopping.. Lol..
Syaz and I finally bought a "larger" mirror which can actually
see our faces properly..
Had McD's Sundae Cone XD!!
[Yeaaa.. FAAAAT!! Don't care]

Went for IT practical..
I actually kind of like it already..
Got to learn quite a few things [SHORTCUTS]
Went to Puchong with Aunt Lin and family for Ti-Ratana's Charity Dinner..
The food was like WTH..
The performances are the same..
Same people, same outfits, same songs, same moves..

Sweet & Sour "Fish"
I had Sweet & Sour Fish for 3 times in 72 hours -___-

We ditch the dinner and headed to Oldtown for supper.. or was it still dinner????
Lol.. Nvm..

Everyone was so damn hungry..
Despo for food......

Half boiled eggs for supper?????

Whacked like cannibals!! WooHoo!!
Haven't seen my Dear for DAAAAYS..
Miss him so much =(
*Friday.. Friday!!!! XD*

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Lame Shit & Joy

I think there's something wrong with Blogger..
or is it
just mine........ -.-
AND SOME NOT???!!!!!! -.-

Anyway, today....
Just attended IT Practical for 45 minutes......
Walked all the way to the lab just to touch a few stuff at Microsoft Word..
Everyone knows Word right??? -.-
On they way back to the dorm..

I saw this little squirrel.. Or is it a chipmunk???

Nevermind whatever it is....
It's KAWAII!!!

After that...

Went to Low Yat to buy the USB Hub and a cooler..
Then dashed over to Times Square to get mom's sim card back
[Curse the ASS HOLE who stole my mom's phones -__- ]
Then.. It's ICE CREAM time at Gella!!! XD
[FAT... Big deal????]
We were cam-ing like mad..
[Even my dad was cam whoring.. Swt.. Haha]

Dear called..
He asked if he could join us..
Hehhehehhe X)
*Sure sure*
Met up with him then walked back to Sungei Wang..

38-ing at Clarks...

Lastly, joined Aunt Lin and family for STEAMBOAT!!!! =D

Freaking bloated now......
*Feel like puking*

Monday, June 8, 2009

mr cassidy's birthday party =)

Late update..
Stupid line here sucks like @$^@$#^#^&$&^$ -___-
Took me DAYYYYS to update this..........

So.. Last Saturday was Dear's Birthday Party..
Actually kind of like your house XD
Especially this kitchen counter.. Heee..
So here are the dudes

Eat, eat, eat...
[Dear, STUPID KELVIN LIEW who kicked me all night -.- and gf]

After that, walked to the playground..
Crazie people drove there -___-
[Just few metres away.. Tsk tsk]

Oops =P

Poor Monkey got bullied and striped =(

Group pic by the guard
[I'm too fat.. Looked like I was about to squash Sarah]

Weird candid shot -__-

JC trying to run us over XD

Dear in his "Birthday suit" =P and Ze Wei -.-

Lol.. They were trying to push his head into the cake..

Superstar.. LOL

His Family [His dad..... =X]

Everyone went up to his room to 'lepak'..

Babi MAN TAO!!!!!!!!! and JC -.-
[You guys punched my arm till there's a bruise!!]

Lol [Mua, Dear, Joanne and Sarah]

Group pic 1
[What were we looking at actually??]

Grop pic 2
[Lol.. Weird]

Group pic 3
[Still.. there were some homos missing]

Group pic 4
[Perfect =D ]


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