Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, June 8, 2009

mr cassidy's birthday party =)

Late update..
Stupid line here sucks like @$^@$#^#^&$&^$ -___-
Took me DAYYYYS to update this..........

So.. Last Saturday was Dear's Birthday Party..
Actually kind of like your house XD
Especially this kitchen counter.. Heee..
So here are the dudes

Eat, eat, eat...
[Dear, STUPID KELVIN LIEW who kicked me all night -.- and gf]

After that, walked to the playground..
Crazie people drove there -___-
[Just few metres away.. Tsk tsk]

Oops =P

Poor Monkey got bullied and striped =(

Group pic by the guard
[I'm too fat.. Looked like I was about to squash Sarah]

Weird candid shot -__-

JC trying to run us over XD

Dear in his "Birthday suit" =P and Ze Wei -.-

Lol.. They were trying to push his head into the cake..

Superstar.. LOL

His Family [His dad..... =X]

Everyone went up to his room to 'lepak'..

Babi MAN TAO!!!!!!!!! and JC -.-
[You guys punched my arm till there's a bruise!!]

Lol [Mua, Dear, Joanne and Sarah]

Group pic 1
[What were we looking at actually??]

Grop pic 2
[Lol.. Weird]

Group pic 3
[Still.. there were some homos missing]

Group pic 4
[Perfect =D ]

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