Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Coz it's us...~~

I hate wearing formal ><
I'd rather do 50x push ups..
Heels kill!!

Uphill battle
The road seemed so far =*[

Result ==

..::LAST Saturday::..
Went out with Mr. Pig XD
To TS & Pavi to watch Transformers..

[Yea.. Outdated but.. Yea]
Megan Fox.. HOT!!
Who the hell cares if she's a dude??!! X]
Planned to watch it at TS but there were so manyfreakingbloody homos..
So, walked to Pavi..
Same.. But not thaat many..

Introducing the latest.....
OOOPS!! I mean............. XP
Not bad 'wad'.. No one has it but you..

I look sad ==

Dear came to my house..
Legally ><
To visit me the sicko == LOL


CHA BO take 2!!!!! XD

Who's da boss??

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