Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, July 4, 2009


My recent posts are all about FOOD
Nevermind.. Who cares??!!

IT Lectures nearly killed me.....
The lecturer.. FUI...
He's a robot...... Yea....
It was SO tedious..
And I was SO hungry..
I could smell all kinds of food [Bread, noodle, Chocolate] WTF
After class......
Headed to Jusco with Tyan!! XD
Canteen's food sucks.. No choice.. Haha..
Wanted to take the TARC bus but it took ages to come..
So we got up to the Metro bus.. Paid 1 buck...
THEN -.-
The TARC bus to Wangsa came 'choo choo-ing' in front of us......

Wanted to have McD but there were SO many homos..
Had Shakeys..

Value Meal for 2 person 25+
[2 drinks + 2 Mushroom soup + 1 small Pizza + Bread Stick]
So damn expensive..

To save money..
Tyan and I had to do our own mix and match in order to pay lesser XD

Value for 1 person 11+
[1 drink + 1 Mushroom Soup + 1 small Pizza]
Extra order 1 drink and Mashed Potato = 18 bucks..
Cheaper X]
The Mushroom Soup ain't nice at all.. One was ENOUGH.. Lol..

WOW.. That's A LOT......

YT so cute.. Lol..
Tyan... Don't smack me yea...


..:: SATURDAY::..
Went to Mid Valley with mom..
Thought of watching Transformers but the STUPID GSC won't let me book.....
So we just walked around and shopped..
Bought some formal wear.. 4 pieces for 600+ ><
Then.. Headed over to Gardens for FOOOOD!!! XD

What a "view"

Mine X]


Great appetizer [Not the Sushi} lol

Zaru Soba [mmm]

Pouring the soup

Soup with lemon.. Hmmmmmm

Chawanmushi!! Yum!!

Spotted your name all over the books!!!! LOL

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