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Monday, August 24, 2009


I'm going to abandon my blog - for now.
No updates until.. Until I feel like updating of course.
Maybe after my finals.
Maybe not.
Shall keep my life PRIVATE.

I don't know why.
I just don't feel like blogging.
I don't have the mood.

Speaking of mood.
It swings like mad pendulum.
About to snap real soon.

Sour face is always on.
Impatience clearly shown.
Mood swing, DUH.
Depression?? Perhaps.

I don't know what's the problem.
Please don't ask me "WHY" because I REALLY DON'T KNOW WHY.
Or maybe I do.
But I just can't seem to dig the root out.

And, sorry mom.
I just can't make you happy and contented with life.
I am not able to control my emotions.
I am not able to understand another person's difficulties [Basically, YOU].
I am not able to think like a mature young adult.
I perceive everything in an egotistical way.

You even said something that almost tore my heart into two.
I tried hard to hold my tears back but I couldn't.
It rolled down.
[Not dramatically]
Good thing I used my sickness as an alibi.

Just a reminder for those who speak without thinking first, WORDS CAN KILL.
I take every word seriously.
I take things personally.
Whatever someone said whether it's a critic or a compliment, I would interpret it for days to get the true meaning.
[Usually in a pessimistic way of thinking]
So whatever you say, be careful.
Okay forget about this.

I really want to know what's wrong with me too.
What's wrong huh?
God, do you hate me that much that you have to make everything in my life difficult?!
Or is it just me exaggerating things?
Yea, everyone will definitely say that I'm just making small matters BIG.
Yea yea.

People must be wondering..
Kylie is taking Counseling/Psychology course and she couldn't even control her own bloody emotions and thinking?!!
Mom actually said that.
She added "You should be improving and understand better about emotions! But I see it's getting worse. Your thinking is getting narrow and one-sided. What's wrong?!"
She even suggested that I consult a THERAPIST.

Well obviously, nowadays she thinks I have some kind of mental problem.
Starting with being emotional like for 9 out of 10 days.
Then the eating disorder.
She thinks that I'm starting to think like an anorexic and is going to be like one.
Can't you see a fat ass here?! I'm not even close to thin.
Very far from it in fact.

Next thing.
Is it me? again, Or is it reality?
Everyone seems to be putting on a mask nowadays.
Great actors and actresses.
Friends? No comment.
Or is Psychology taking over me? If you know what I mean.

And PLEASE for heaven's sake!
Stop addressing me as Princess!
Obviously to Mr. Hec and Mr. Yan Kit.
The title Princess is for dumb blonds, bimbos and some stuck up snobbish rich chicks who spend their father's fortune.

Okay. Enough with all the craps and shits and bulls.

0 trash:


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