Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, August 2, 2009

My name is fei fei

Outing with Mii!!!!!! @ Sunway XD
First time shopping at Sunway with Mii..
We are FREAKING BORED and fed up with TS and Sungei Wang..
Pav, too expensive..
So.. Sunway!! Hehe..
She get to buy lots of stuff.. Bag, nail polish, shades..
While I got my self an eye cream and *ahem* only X]
After that.. Mii chiao-ed..
Mom joined me.. Walked again..

This is what I got after walking for 9 hours ><
Stupid McD shoes -,-

Everytime I shop, my feet ache..
I can't wear high heels.... NVM
I can't wear 1 inch heels.... NVM
I can't wear those wrapped up with short heels.... NVM
I can't wear FLATS either!!.... NVM
I can't even wear sports shoes or sneakers!!!!!!!! WTH
What am I suppose to wear????!!
I think I should fly -,-

Went to Mid Valley with mom and dad..
For FOOOOOD of course XD

Japanese + Italian Cuisine X]

Onsen Tamago

Shoyu Ikura [YUM!!]


Chicken Katsu Toji Pasta

Hotate To Kinoko No Mentaimayo Pizza

Salmon Sashimi To Ikura Oroshi No Pasta

Yasai Miso Soup

Save the best for last X]

Ooo.. Yummy yummy desserts!!!
But we didn't eat.. Lol..

After that....
Gellatissimo's Rum & Raisin and Belgium Choc

Shopped shopped..
Bought some clothes..
Mom and dad wanted to eat again.. Wth..

Nasi Lemak =S

Dad had 2!!! OMG ><

Saw some gurls wearing heels..
As if doing some cat camel walk =X
Seriously damn funny XD

Going for Steamboat later...
Ush.. Whacking all day................

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