Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, August 14, 2009



During the 2 hours break..
20 out of 26 of us from L3 went to Jusco..

All of us ended up in McD..
Leon's so funny.. Tsk tsk..

After that..
Went to arcade..
Everyone playing like lil' kids XD

Hec doing his chicken moves


Aure's turn XD

Fishy [Using my phone] Lol

Yvone and Yan Kit slammin' hard!!

See.. Playing like nobody's bussiness

The 4 of us bought this Moo Moo pillow XD
Tyan and Joel = Blue
Mun and I = Pink



When I was half way enjoying my food, I found this DISGUSTING thing hiding underneath
It looked like SHIT at first..
Then I realized it was sausage..

Yea.. I know it's food but for me....



TARC Merit Scholarship Presentaion Ceremony
Bla bla bla....
Kind of lame......

Then pics pics pics..

If there's Katrina, there's pictures

Blurry pics ><

Sze, Kat, Me -,- and Mei Yee

Sze and I

Kat and I
[I look retarded]

Cheng Rui and I

Everyone la

I was too bored sitting alone...
Coz I represented my course to receive the so-called-award -,-
[The SCARF is damn fugly!!!! Like Scouts scarf ><]
So I took pics..
Not myself.. These names XD

Spotted Mei Yee's name!!

Ah Lam!!


Cheng Rui!! And Wen Fu also.. Lol

Mine at last........
50% Scholarship only MA.. Last LOR......

Oh damn........

How stupid was I.....
I accidentally knocked the nail polish remover
and it spilled all over the
keyboard and my clothes..
Keyboard ruined and darn smelly!!

1 trash:

Anonymous said...

1st of all, it was not chicken dance!!!!!!!! arughhhh!

and last, congrats for scholarship, Pricess Kylie, proud of you, muackssss!!!!!!


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