Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Mummy-Daughter's Day Out!
Went to Pavi for brunch and movie.
Had yummy yummy Ichiban Boshi sushi!
Then watched Tsunami at Haeundae!

The waves, REALLY SCARY!

If I see the waves coming, I would bang myself to the wall and die first!
I don't want to die in the water. ><
Anyway, this show was okay.
Waited for an hour for the Tsunami to hit.
Some parts of the show was really touching.
Especially the sea rescuer who sacrificed his life to save that jackass. =*[

Then, the funny thing is after watching this movie, an Earthquke hit the island of Sumatra!
Well I don't mean it's funny.
But. Gahh.
Magnitude of 7.9 yo! Serious shit!

"The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre in Hawaii

however issued a tsunami watch for Indonesia, Malaysia,

India and Thailand but later canceled it." ~from the news.

Just imagine.
Watching the Tsunami hit Haeundae at the cinema then out of no where water come splashing in from the screen!
Just like 3D! LOL!
Oops >< *touch wood*
But why did so many people feel the ground shake while we didn't?!

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