Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Can be ARE deceiving.
Well, most of the time.
Exhibit A = WONG KAI LI.
[I'm not saying that I put on a mask all the time &
deliberately present a certain look to others]

I really do not know why most of the peeps would say I look 'innocent'.
Seriously, I do not think I look innocent AT ALL! Lol

People tend to expect something different from me.
And the way I present myself..... It always surprises everyone.
Like "Waa! Kylie! Didn't know you're like that!" or "You don't look like you'll do this kind of stuff." or "You look like those good girls." BLEH.
Are you kidding me?! Goodness.
When I am with my clique, I am NOISY, UNLADYLIKE &
even BOORISH at times.

When I keep my mouth shut, THAT is when I do not fancy
that particular someone.
That's why I do not talk.
I do no want to waste my energy talking crap.

BUT, others will perceive me as shy then. *rolling eyes*

Bah! Whatever and however others want to perceive me as,
I do not give a damn about it.

I am complicated. Yea, I admit it.
I may look "innocent", but what is going on in my psychopathic brain is probably beyond your wildest imagination.
Lol. So do not get fooled by my look.
.'. My behavior & characteristics are always the opposite of how I look.
Adios amigos! Time to find my best 'friend'. X]


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