Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, December 5, 2009


I feel so bloated now.
What's wrong with my stomach nowadays?
Digestive system gone all wrong!
I need laxatives. Urgh!

..:: Friday ::..

Went to Jusco to get some stuff after class.
Thanks to Yan Kit who dropped me off at the LRT, I saved 60cents. Lol.
Walking around & buying stuff like a dead zombie.
I don't know what's wrong with my head.
Felt like my brain was being squished.
I actually looked like a schizophrenic!
Took the bus back. Stopped at the wrong spot.
Had to walk in the drizzling rain.
In conclusion, doing stuff alone ain't fun at all! =(

Anyway, I had a great nap after I got back to the dorm.
From 4-7.30! Syok-ness!
Watched 'My Bloody Valentine'!
This movie is so damn funny!
I practically laughed all the way.
There was one part where the woman & man were having sex.
She kept going "YeHs YeHs!".
After something something, she was running around naked outside the motel.
Her boobs bouncing all over. LOL!
The best part was, Tom slicing his victims' body & digging their hearts out.
LOL! Totally hilarious!

..:: Saturday ::..
Went to Merdeka Square for rehearsal.
Damn lame. -,-
During the break, we were hungry like HELL!
Therefore, we decided to call McD!
The conversation between Mei Yee & the McD chick was...... funny? Lol.
Everyone was dancing while we were McD-ing. Brilliant!
We did join in half way! 'Gi
ve face' XD


Seriously, idiotic!
No food for us at all?! Not even refreshment!
Those big shots even have tables with food ready for them!
You call that 'One Malaysia'?!
They got their stomachs filled while we starve.
How awesome!
Even Dato' Ng said "Huh?! No lunch for them?! No breakfast also?!"
HAH! This is our system.

Worst thing, we have to wear this tee & that hideous cap tomorrow!
And look how fugly that bag is!
Even my grandmother would not be willing to carry that out!

0 trash:


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