Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Thyroid disease, goitre or hypochondriasis?
Hypothyroidism perhaps?
Wondering what the hell I am crappin' about?

Well, my mom thinks I have thyroid problem which I think is Hypothyroidism.
'My own "unprofessional" diagnosis =P'.
& why does she thinks this way? Coz I have most of its symptoms.

Fatigue and weakness ❝Everyday❞
Low basal temperature (cold intolerance) ❝A lil❞
Dry and coarse skin ❝Obviously❞
Hair loss ❝Erm, yea?❞
Cold hands and feet ❝Always❞
Weight gain ❝ALWAYS❞
Insomnia ❝Not really❞
Constipation ❝Lol. Don't think so❞
Depression ❝Hmmmm. Dysthymic Depressive Disorder perhaps?❞
Poor memory, forgetfulness, dementia ❝Forever❞
Nervousness and tremors ❝Depends❞
Anxiety ❝YUP❞
Slow heart rate ❝A-huh❞
Immune system problems ❝Totally❞
Irregular menstrual periods ❝Recently❞

OR MAYBE Grave's Disease?! [Similar to hypothyroidism].

Enlarged thyroid gland [Goiter] ❝A lil since birth❞
Bulging, itchy or swollen eyes DUHHH!!!!
Difficulty breathing ❝Most of the time❞
Anxiety, irritability ❝Totally❞
Unexplained weight loss ❝HELL NO! -,- *I wish*
Excess perspiration & sensitivity to heat ❝HATE THE HEAT!!!!!!!!!!!! URGH!!!❞
Muscle weakness, especially in upper arms and thighs ❝I'm weak =( ❞

SO! Hmmmm. Most of it eh?
Or is she feeling hypochondriasic for me?? LOL
This is awkward.
Anyway, planning for a check up.
Will know soon.

Sunday, Sunday.
Chillin' at home.
Told ya nothing's better than home.
[Here comes the complains again!]
Once I come home, all my horrible allergies subsided.
The moment I step into the dorm, my eyes will start to itch, I'll sneeze like a mad dog, and my skin...... UNEXPLAINABLE! -,-
I'm like the dust&dirt detector! O.o
Or is this one of my psychotic mindsets again?

Christmas, Christmas.
Don't really feel the '
X'mas spirit this year.
Maybe it's because of............. Nvm!
Will still get lil gifts for the close ones.
I want to go Pavi! Snow! [Though it's fake] =D

Today is our 500th day together .
Haven't seen my babi for more than month! =(
Sad case. Pathetic.
Missing like mad.

In dilemma.
This or that?
In a double approach-avoidance conflict.

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