Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, January 29, 2010


Been extremely sad since last week.
Effin emo.
All the bad things happened at the same time.
Grandpa admitted hospital coz he had a stomach ache.
Diagnosed, nothing wrong.
He is so weak now. Even fell down yesterday. =(

Another thing, happened last week.
Actually wanted to burst it out here.
But on second thought, I did not.
I don't need the whole world to know what emo shits I'm going through.
Nobody understands anyway.
People would just think it's "Another bullshit".
Yea, whatever.

So, after having all my wild thoughts run through my head, I thought,
"Hmmmm. Why do I have to suffer like this? I don't have to perceive it in such negative way. About this. About everything. Why not just let it go? Just let nature take its course. Just go with the flow and accept all flaws. Wouldn't I be happier this way? Think positive."

I still hope it's not going to happen.
Please? Hmmmmm.


Anyway, war weeks are over.
Stressed like one shit.
Besides screwing my English [what a shame], I screwed Counseling as well.
I didn't know what I was writing. Pages of crap.
I just hope I can pass and maintain my cgpa.

I moved out from the filthy, horrible, man-eating hostel!
RELIEF 9999999999999999999!
Holy. Never thought I had that much stuff.
Roommie moved out as well.

Don't know if I can drive to college the next semester.
[My driving SUCKS. High possibility to murder everyone on the road]
Plus, no car sticker!

I should be happy.
It's all over now!
I get to enjoy my 3 weeks semester break!
CNY. Going to Bukit Gambang. The waterworld something something.
Going to take my time to chillax as much as possible.
Planned to finish GG but SIIIIII JOJO didn't copy it for me. -,-
Why must CNY fall on V day?!

Cleaned my room yesterday. It became a dump site.
Piles of books and papers and trash.
My bed, table and chair are all occupied.


..:: Today ::..

Went out with the pig today.
Watched Toothfairy!
Dwayne Johnson looks sexy in the tutu!
Funny part : The old fairy man explaining to him about the amnesia dust
* Explain. Sprinkle. ?. Explain. Sprinkle. ?. Explain. Sprinkle. ? *

After the movie, pig sent me to BTR LRT.
First time. =D
Kinda takut at first, tapi people pro dah. =D


Done crapping.
Wakey early tomorrow.
KLCC with mom tomorrow.
No, not shopping.
No shopping!
I don't like shopping!
Not about $$.
Just don't like it.

0 trash:


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