Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, January 3, 2010

está bien

Wee!~ Great!
New Year started off really GREAT! Lol

First day of 2010, my 'auntie' came. Pain like one SHIT.
The lower part of my body was like paralyzed.

Second day of 2010, mom & I went to Auntie Eli's house for mahjong session.
[The mothas of course =D ]
I didn't felt right the whole day. Felt like throwing up. No appetite.
And I did threw up at last. Like A LOT. Had food poisoning.
Due to the oysters I guess. Damn! History repeated! NO MORE!
Okay, skip the gross part.

Worst thing is,,, I didn't get to eat Auntie Chris' Brownies!

Also Vanilla and Cookies & Cream ice cream! =(
They had dessert when I was throwing up. ISH!
Uncle Tim also made lots of 'siew mai' WHICH is MY FAV!
It's 'SIEW MAI'! 'SIEW MAI'!!!!!!!!! URGH!!
And I only get to force one down.
Mom was winning but we had to leave early. XD [Fated] *LOL*

Got to attend a wedding dinner later.
I don't even know who the bride & groom are. -,-
Even mom doesn't know.
It's Grandma's old neighbour's daughter's wedding. -,-
Why in the world are WE invited?!
'3 doesn't know 7' & I can bet the food sucks!
But it's okay. I won't be able to eat much. =D
Lol. Craps.

18 going on 19!
I really don't believe this.
I still feel like a kid. XP
No no.
Another 9 months to go.
Am still 18.


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