Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, March 29, 2010


..:: Penang, 20th - 21st March ::..
Had a short trip to Penang with the family, Aunt Lin & Cousin Pui Mun!
Seriously LAST MINUTE decision.
I t was like, "Let's go Penng this weekend!"
"O okay!"
SO, yea. *lol*

Day 1
Stayed at Vistana Hotel, which is way far from Georgetown. 
*Thanks to Mr. Danny Low*
But the Residential Suite was nice. Big at least.

*Erm.... Ignore fatty back.*

Kek Lok Si

Yea. We went all the way to Penang for Old Town. =D
O and! That was my FIRST time, 
FIRST FIRST time seeing 'popiah' in soup!
Everyone was LITERALLY STUNNED when 
the lady served us.
My aunt was even more hilarious.
She  jumped, turned to the lady & asked "Chou meh popiah yao thong ga??!!"
The lady "Ngo dei yi dou Penang geh popiah 
hai yao thong ga" *with the Dulan look.
Haha! Omg! O-kay.

Day 2
Headed to some shop for Breakfast.
Siu mai SUCKED! Uncle Van's siu mai was WAYYY better! =D

Went to the Burmese Temple.

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