Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Had a great outing with my Mich & Sze today!
Like FINALLY! *lol*
Ms. Yean was busy with her exam & stuff. 
Couldn't join us. =(
But it's okie.
Next outing in June! The 4 crazies. =D
[Can't wait!]

Anyway, had lunch @ Canton-i.
We have upgraded from Gasoline to Canton-i. Not bad. We've grown up. =D
Watched 'Ice Kacang Puppy Love'.
At first, I thought it's a Malay movie.
Coz it's like, "Ice Kacang". *lol*
Good thing that the Chinese is simple enough.
Or else I'll go @.@ trying very hard to catch 
what they say. 
O! We also had Gellato Ice Cream! Yum!

No photos to be uploaded. *lol*
Coz the photos are, "not nice". [According to Mich =D ]
I didn't really see them, btw.

Can't wait for the next date! ♥

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