Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, May 21, 2010


..:: Friday, 14th May ::..
Checked-in into the Palace again. =D
Lived the "suite life" for 4 days this time.
Wake-up-in-the-morning-feeling-like-P.Diddy-life is just so..................

But before that, mom and I had lunch 
@ Angus Steakhouse.

My Tenderloin.

Mom's Tiger Prawn.

Some Mango Cake.

Check in! Minister Suite.
Not the BEST suite but at least it was big enough to fit everyone. *lol*

Day 1

I the bathroom the most!

Mami tak choi me.


She was pretending to be Manager. =D


Mom was pulling a funny face back there.

I seriously had no idea we were having the same 
"shocked" look when I snapped this.
Unintentionally. Coincidentally.

Headed to Seri K. for Papparich.


Day 2
Didn't really do anything.
Went home to get a few things. *lol* 
Picked dad up.
Aunt Lin and family checked in.

Cousin Yonz even brought his desktop computer to do his work. Gosh.

Another meeting. =P

Had dinner near Serdang.

Danny Low's artwork.

Day 3

Mom and I voluntereed for the Caring & Sharing Programme @ BMV [temple].

We were the usherers on stage.

Will never leave my island 
even when I'm on vaca.

Day 4 

As if we were traveling damn far away.

Before we leave.

We don't really look alike. =(
Mom - Fair, big eyes, beautiful, sharp features.
Me - DARK, small eyes, fugly, two words
"PIG-like creature" 
Or it should be BOAR. Coz boars are black, right?

Thursday, May 13, 2010


The Big M's Day @ Genting!
Decided to head to Genting around 10.

It was raining when we got there. =(

I was the only underage. I mean for casino. 
So, have to play outdoors kannn....

Queueing for Skyway cable car.
We COULD HAVE just driven up. Instead, we took this.
Aunt Lin said it would be fun taking the cable car. Lol.

Devil & Ze BIG M!

Ich liebe dich mama! ♥

Dad was literally FREAKING OUT when he got into the gondola.

Without wasting any time, Aunt Lin, Uncle Steven, Dad & Ze BIG M went to the casino.
We the "kids", theme park. 
[Luckily, the rain stopped & thanks to strangers 
who wiped the water off the rides' 
seats with their asses. =D ]
Rain gone but it was effin hot.
Like, seriously HOT!

Spinned it first.

Peace yo.

Screw the coRk.
This thingy was kind of dissapointing.
We could feel the brake when we were diving.
"Come on, let gravity do its job alright!".

Cousin P and Cousin S.

In the midst of our ride.

On a hot and sunny day like that, 
we totally needed something cold!

Ze BIG M's.

Yea. Like there was nothing else better to eat.

The others dumped Cousin P & I for the casino.
P & I even rode on the Antique Car. -,-

 "Erm hellooo, phone's this way?"

We EVEN rode the sloth train. Gosh, we are lame. *lol*

AND, I finally get to ride on the Pirate's Ship.

Off we go around 7.
I've never taken the cable car at nacht.
Dad was more afraid than ever.

Kacau-kacau. =P

Can't stop making fun of him. =D

Omg! I love this view!
[Looks like some drawing or something.]


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