Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, May 21, 2010


..:: Friday, 14th May ::..
Checked-in into the Palace again. =D
Lived the "suite life" for 4 days this time.
Wake-up-in-the-morning-feeling-like-P.Diddy-life is just so..................

But before that, mom and I had lunch 
@ Angus Steakhouse.

My Tenderloin.

Mom's Tiger Prawn.

Some Mango Cake.

Check in! Minister Suite.
Not the BEST suite but at least it was big enough to fit everyone. *lol*

Day 1

I the bathroom the most!

Mami tak choi me.


She was pretending to be Manager. =D


Mom was pulling a funny face back there.

I seriously had no idea we were having the same 
"shocked" look when I snapped this.
Unintentionally. Coincidentally.

Headed to Seri K. for Papparich.


Day 2
Didn't really do anything.
Went home to get a few things. *lol* 
Picked dad up.
Aunt Lin and family checked in.

Cousin Yonz even brought his desktop computer to do his work. Gosh.

Another meeting. =P

Had dinner near Serdang.

Danny Low's artwork.

Day 3

Mom and I voluntereed for the Caring & Sharing Programme @ BMV [temple].

We were the usherers on stage.

Will never leave my island 
even when I'm on vaca.

Day 4 

As if we were traveling damn far away.

Before we leave.

We don't really look alike. =(
Mom - Fair, big eyes, beautiful, sharp features.
Me - DARK, small eyes, fugly, two words
"PIG-like creature" 
Or it should be BOAR. Coz boars are black, right?

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