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Thursday, October 6, 2011


It has been months since I've stepped into this site. It feels weird to be blogging again, to be having a quiet time with just me and my thoughts. I used to pour my everything out in this space. But there comes a point where I just wanted to keep things to myself. It's hard. I feel as if I were to explode. So, I guess externalizing these thoughts and feelings on black and white is a better way of releasing the tension in me.


A lot has changed this year. Unpleasant changes. Horrible. Traumatizing. Unforgettable.
Something that would stay in me for the rest of my life. 
Something gone.
Something ripped away from me. From my life.
The sorrow.

Our lives have gone downhill in year 2011. Way down. 
Nothing could have stopped it.
It's fated and it's not something that you'd want to go against.
It has been rough.
Death occured.
That was how ugly it got. 
More might come.
I can tell.
In fact, I know it.
I feel it.


Why did you have to go?
Why must it be you? 

I can never believe the words "It's gunna be okay" anymore.
Cuz in the end, it never will be okay.
The situation would only aggravate.
The facts of life. 
You just need to take it or you'll be victims of yourselves.
Sad but true.

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