Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


..Aihz.. Didn't get to blog yesterday.. Thanks to my cousin sis.. She didn't go to work..
..Had a seminar before recess.. WHOA!! At first the speaker was like DAMN LC...
..He kept saying.. "Simpan buku yang lain!! Buku Matematik simpan!! Keluarkan kertas.."
..Ya da ya da..
..Then.. He talked NON-STOP for 2 hours..
..Surprising thing is.. I actually listened to the WHOLE thingy.. ~~cool
..Skipped PE exam.. :P Chat with Michy in the stadium..
..Continued chatting during Maths lesson..hehe~~
..Khairol also 'shake head'.. :P
..Went to Old Town for lunch.. Ate Lum Mee + Kaya Toast Bread + Half Boiled Egg + Honey
Lemon Juice.. *shared!! with mom..
..Dissapointed when reached aunt's shop.. Coz cous sis was in her room which meant I
can't go in.. Can't listen to songs.. Can't online.. =PATHETIC!!
..Tuition sucked bored!!

..During assembly.. Godzilla Faziatul WARNED us.. "Pengawas sila tahan pelajar lelaki yang
rambutnya panjang, yang melabihi setengah dahi.. Pelajar perempuan.. sesiapa yang melanggar
..O.O SHOOSH!! Cha dou!! Yesterday i clipped my hair, didn't check.. WHAT THE.. -_-
..Then she added "Gunting saya akan mula berjalan hari ini.." uuu.. SCARY~~ *whatever
..Mich and I will be in the class.. So no worries..
..But today.. Both of us decided to go to the canteen..too hungry..
..It's been a long time we didn't go to the canteen.. 2 months i guess..
..Haha.. Lucky us.. Gurls didn't 'kena'.. coz we're FAST.. :p
..Kian Wee the 'unlucky one'.. Got his hair cut.. *for free wei..*
..PoppinKaHo came in to our class.. thought of showing us some moves..
..All of a sudden.. History teacher came in.. *URGH!!
..But as soon as she got out of the class.. KaHo came in again~~
..Danced Danced.. *Good job for a begginer..*
..Yea.. Proud of my DAUGHTER.. *Bangga!!* :P
..During Moral lesson, Alison used a rubber band and 'dhan' my wrist..
..Pain man!! Swollen, red marks.. *thanks a lot Alison...
..Whoa!! almost fainted after school.. Damn HOT!!
..and biggest prob is -- my unc's car's air-cond >> SPOILT!!! Holy Craps~~
..Nothing to type.. Lazy..

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