Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Emo Day... -_-

..Today's like the most BORING day ever..
..The subjects TOTALLY SUCKS!!!
..Bio almost killed me.. BM killed me...
..Emo Michy.. Emo me.. All EMO.. Just aihz...
..Before going to Chem Lab.. The "GUYS" were 'enjoying' some video..
..Some PORN video.. *cough cough
..Kind of disgusting AND weird though..
..Crazy insane people doing crazy stuff...
..Those guys in the video CUT their own COCK.. Used FIRE to BURN 'IT'..
..A guy even used a NAIL to nail his COCK.. One of them SLICED his own COCK..
..All the guys in class almost vomited I guess..
..They were like "OH!!!! Wai lor!! Yer!! Urgh!!!"
..Me.. Just.. No reaction.. --> -_-
..Then went to chem Lab.. Just hang around.. Chat Chat.. Read..
..Then.. WMR finished crapping and asked us to back to the class..
..It was 5 minutes before the bell rings.. And of course all of us would CHIAO..
..When we started walking away from the lab towards the emergency stairs...
..Wmr came out and bla bla.. We had to walk back to the main stairs.. Pretending to go up to class..
..Then we CHIAOED.. :P ~haha *tradition wei..

..Aihz..Freaking wheather.. Damn it!!! Hate the humidity.. CURSE CURSE!!
..Downloaded wallpapers for phone.. Nice*
..No mood..

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