Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, August 30, 2008


..Pathetic day!!! Horrible!!!
..Skipped school.. =P That's one good thing...
..Went for lunch at.. erm... (God knows where..) *FISH!!!
..TS-ed.... At first.. It was fun walking around...
..Then.. HORROR!!
..ME.. The 'smart'.. Wore heels.. My feet was in extreme pain..
..The skin even came off... -_-"
..Regret.. regret..
..Then... I started to feel sick.. Headache (more like migrain), sore throat, body aching, dizzy..
..Couldn't stand the suffering so I asked mom to go.. (so not me) -_-
..When I reached Aunt's shop.. I felt much better..
..But during Chem tuition... Aihz... Whatever sickness came rushing back..
..So 'had' to skip Bio tuition.. =P
..I was like a zombie walking around in the house..
..My fever.. 38.2 degree celcius.. Not very high but.. still.. Aihz..

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