Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Merdeka?? So what..

Sunday, 31 August
..Merdeka?? Today?? -_-??
..Totally forgotten about that until 'someone' reminded me..
..I mean.. SO WHAT??!!
..Obviously.. I'm not a patriotic person.. In fact, I **** Malaysia!!
..All I know is.. Today's my dad's Burpday!!! =P
..Bought a cake for him.. *70 bucks wei.. -_-!! +3.5 service charge

Watched Finding Nemo!! =P
Daddy's New York Cheese Cake
from Secret Recipi

Aiyo.. Daddy emo-ing -_-"

SLICED!! Happi3 BurPDay daDDi3!!!
..Doesn't look like a birthday cake??
..Something's missing??
..Yup.. The wordings and the candles..
..The waitress asked us whether we want the wordings..
..Dad and I : NO!!
..Me : Nah.. It'll ruin the cake..
..Dad : Ya la.. Yii.. Those cream sweet sweet.. Not nice..
The cake melted..
Sticked onto the "konon-nye" knife


Double YUM!!

Tsk-tsk.. Lazy to get another fork..

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