Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, August 18, 2008

Just aihz...

Monday, 18 August (something's wrong with this date thingy)
..Finally get to buy the dinner and bride's maid dress after dragging for weeks..
..Think mom's going to be paranoid on the 'tea ceremony' day.. And also during the dinner..
..She thinks the dresses are 'seng gam'
..Afraid that guys will look.. ~swt
.."Eh, nobody will look at me and I have nothing for them to see la!!"
..swt swt.. For me.. I think it's .. 'normal'.. seriously..
..Been walking and walking for hours.. Taking off and putting on clothes.. SO TIRED!!
..Man.. Sunway is BIG.. I can actually get myself lost in there..
..Went there with mom, cousin sis and her bf..
..After that... Went to Sungei Wang with mom.. Bombarded by her AGAIN.. because I 'showed face'
..Had dinner at Milwaukee's..
..Ate Spaghetti Carbonara+mashed potato+coleslaw+mushroom soup+watermelon juice *yum!!
..We shared of course..
..Watched BADMINTON.. Lee Chong Wei vs. Lin Dan.. ..Aihz.. Pathetic man LCW.. Just kiss the Gold medal, title of Datuk and 1 MILLION bucks GOODBYE!!
..Goth!! Lin Dan defeated LCW just like that.. Sad..

..SHOOT!!! Have to go to school for 'History Extra Class'.. -_-"
..3 classes were expected to show up.. but of course.. Who would want to go??
..We.. "hardworking".. :P *bluek
..Joshua, Loga, Danyal and Bryan came.. UNEXPECTED..
..Then they ran away.. EXPECTED.. :P
..Aminah was LATE.. Class was supposed to start at 8.15 a.m. but she came at 9 -_-"
..Natalie couldn't wait anymore so she went home.. ~swt much
..I just want to say that "I'M NOT GOING TOMORROW!!!!"
..Sorry teacher.. Just had to ditch your class..

..Went to Aunt's shop..
..Slept.. Had nightmare.. I dreamt I went to somewhere really disgusting..
..Lucky 'you' messaged.. The message tone woke me up.. Saved me from the 'horror'
..Online.. online..
..Tuition.. tuition -_-

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