Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Spirit-less -_-

..Gee.. Don't know what's wrong with me today..
..Just felt so spirit-less.. Didn't feel like doing anything..
..Had an unpleasant dream yesterday.. =(
..Skipped 'History Extra Class' ~~DUH!!
..Finished up some homework...
..Washed the master bedroom's bathroom -_-"
..Tiring.. Coz it's big.. Well, not really "big" but I'm sure it's bigger than other usual bathrooms.. ..Had to scrub every single freaking tile..
..Even the spaces between the tiles.. (using a toothbrush) -_-"
..My spine's about to break.. And my hands are shaking now..
..I know.. I'm pathetic..
..Tuition.. -_-

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