Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Just another Tuesday..

..Assembly as usual.. which was BORING!!!!!
..Ms. Hema was absent once again.. YEAY!!
..I don't even know what I did today..
..During Add Maths lesson.. Phew!! I put my * under the desk.. It was kind of obvious..
..coz it was really out.. Rafhan was right beside me.. Well not exactly beside.. South-west..
..When she walked away.. Then i realized that my * was there.. O.O
..Think she did not see it.. Hopefully.. :P
..Had maths seminar after recess.. Not exectly boring but........
..Something funny.. Calculators kept falling.. 9 times to be exact..
..First Yeannie dropped it twice.. Then Forest.. Then Sze.. Then Natalie and who?? Then HJ..
..Lastly... Mine... Ish..

After School::..
..GOTH!!!! The smell of PAINT in my cousin's room is killing me..
..And of ALL colours they picked GREEN.. -_-''
..But the room was MUCH MUCH better.. Before this.. It was as if someone trashed their room..
..And now.. It's time for me to do my homework.. -_-''


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