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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

NS Day.. -_-"

..First thing I heard when I reached school was about NS.. ~~swt much
..Bee, Chris, Eunice, Michy, Yean, Sze, Kai Yun, Sean, Aaron, Ming Ern, Jason, Jee Ken, Panda, Nolf,
zEwEi and many many many more ... 'KENA'...
..Me... haha.. Maaf!! Tidak terpilih menyertai PLKN Siri 6/2009.. :P
..But still not 100% confirm.. So don't be so happy first.. :P
..Weird.. Those i thought will 'kena', 'tak kena'.. Those I thought 'tak kena, 'kena'..
..Aihz..Pathetic.. NS is just.... SAD...
UPSR Essay 2005 ~~ Damn nice (I salute you)

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