Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, August 23, 2008


..Had to wake up early even though there was no seminar.. -_-
..Accompanied mom to see the dentist..
..Had lunch.. AWESOME LUNCH!!!! We ate vege and FISH!!!!
..I ate 3/4 of the fish.. AWESOMELY DELICIOUS!!! *craving for more =P
..All of a sudden, my 'auntie' came.. -_- *potong stim (that's what people used to say..)
..Went to Pavillion.. Man.. It's huge.. Well, this was the second visit to Pav.. -_-"
..There's no use going there.. "Can see cannot buy"
..But I managed to buy a 'dress'?? From Zara which cost about 170 bucks..
..Watched Rogue.. Craps.. the Croc is sooo CUTE!!! It's not very big actually..
..Kind of funny when the Croc ate those people.. I just laughed.. =P
..But one part really pissed me off..
...This group of tourists were stranded on a mini island because their boat was attacked by the
crocy and they have to get across the water to the river bank..
...In order to do so, they need to keep the Crocy busy with a 'bait'..
...Unfortunately, they don't have one.. What's left on the island was humans and a dog..
...So a woman insisted on using the dog as the bait.. -_-!!!
..I mean "WTH!!! What's wrong with you woman??!!!! Mindless moronic freak!!!"
..Chill.. At last they didn't.. They found something else..
..Okay.. Cut the crap..
..Tuition was FREAKISHLY FUN!!!! We laughed throughout the class... *literally
..I had to sit under the A.C and it was at full blast!!
..Shivering....... -_-"

..Woke up early ~~AGAIN!!
..Went for replacement class..
..Craps.. Before bed--> Ms. Pakia After bed--> Her face again... -_-"
..Tired.. Thanks to my 'auntie'
..=P We watched 'videos' today.. NOT PORN..
..One of the video was DARN funny..
..It was supposed to be the process of how the sperm travel from
the balls to the penis.. and it's supposed to 'stand' 180 degrees..
..Then Ms. Pakia pressed the button too many times.. Guess what..
..The penis went up and down up and down..
..All of us almost laughed our heads off.. xP
..Another video was about C-section..
..The Doc 'sliced' the women's stomach layer by layer.. It's COOL!!
..The last video was 'the normal delivery'..
..The Doc cut the women's vagina and pulled the baby out..
..Blood oozed out like nobody's bussiness!!!
..~~~~ O.O Urgh!! "I feel the pain!!"
..Man.. "I don't want no baby!!"
..O!! "Mom.. You're the greatest!!!!
Promise I'll never let you down anymore!!"
..Sorry... I know.. I suck.. I'm not good enough..
..I don't know what's wrong with me..
..Partly because of my 'auntie'..
..But I know.. That's not an alibi..
..Okay.. Here's a new rule I'm going to set for myself..
..I'm not going to be 'emo' anymore..
..No matter what happens, I'm just going to laugh it off..
..Even if the world is against me..
..Even if the world's unluckiest thing happened on me..
..Even if ... Whatever it is!!
..I'm just going to smile.. =)
..No more sad face.. No more --> =(
..Smile!!! =)
*I'm not crazy

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