Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Happi3 haPpi3 =P

..Had to wake up early.. Had Chem seminar -_-Zzz
..Ms. Pakia didn't want to shout.. but we made her shout like crazie.. :P
..She said we were 'passive'.. So we had to be more 'active'..
.."Hey teach.. You asked for it.." XP
..Had lunch with the gurls.. Then went back to Aunt's shop..
..Online.. ~~what else??!!
..Then~~~~~ THE BEST PART.. =P
..Budak came.. We went to the playground..
..He raided my phone.. So I raided his wallet.. Man.. A guy's wallet is always in a mess.. =P
..but.. I was kind of weird though.. (he said) ~~I agree.. you know what I mean Sorry... =(
..Anyway, we couldn't hang out for long due to the stupid weather!! -_-!!
..Rained.. So he left.. =(
..Asked me to follow but.. of course I couldn't.. Freedom --> 1% =(
..But we met again..
..Tuition.. Was boring.. The lesson I meant..
..Swt~~~~ During 'take 5'.. We went in to an empty class.. Chat......
..Then came out.. The auntie saw us.. *don't think 'y'
................................................................................................................................. ..I love what happened yesterday.......
Enjoyed every moment.. (in my heart)
*I'm changing.. (attitude I mean -_-")

..I'm totally EXHAUSTED today.. -_-Zzz
..Had Bio seminar early in the morning..
..Was better than yesterday though.. We responded.. =P
..As usual.. Ms. Pakia shouted like mad..
..She even said the wrong stuff due to her tiredness.. x_x
..Haha.. She asked us a question.. and we didn't know the answer
..So she said "You all ar.. Really didn't read anything ar.."
..I said "DUH!!!" =P
..Lucky she didn't hear it.. Only those who sat near me heard it..
.. xP
..Had lunch with the gurls again..
..Attended History seminar.. Loga the Loganator conducted it O.O
..In case you didn't know.. Mr.Loga is a former discipline teacher
and a history teacher in SBS..
..Hee.. Actually he's kind of good.. Still remembers who I am..
..Erm duh!! Caught by him SOOOO many times.. =P
..His "Hey gurl!!!" still freaks me out.. ~~seriously -_-"
..Anyway.. Whoa!! I ate so much today.. ish ish..
..Chee cheong fun+bread+milo (breakfast)
..fried noodle+100 plus(lunch)
..Cappucino chiffon cake(1piece)+Rocky(tea) =P
..Vege+fish+fish(from mom's dinner)(dinner)
..Yeay!! Lunch and movie with mom tomorrow!! =P

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