Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, October 9, 2008

School sucks -_-

..School's SOOO boring!!!!!
..Been rotting in school for four days.. and I can't stand it anymore..
..Even though we can chat and crap and laugh and SLEEP..
..Four days is enough.. Enough is enough..
..We chat 'till there's nothing left for us to crap about..
..And YOU!! Budak!! Tau ponteng ajer..
..I'm going to pon next Wed.. -_-
..What makes things worse is results from trials... -_-
..Results suck!!!
..Teachers just came in to marks our papers..
..GOSH!! What were you guys doing during Raya holiday?? Having fun 'balik kampung' and
forgotten about our papers?? One WHOLE week and you can't finish marking?? Ish.. How
..Worst is.. Next week's 'Gerak Gempur'.. Will definitely skip a few days..
..Okie.. Chill..

..It's okay.. At least I get to enjoy one more movie before 'doom month'
..Going to Pavillion for 'House Bunny' tomorrow after school..
..MIRACLE!! I didn't skip school this week O.O
..Kind of impossible a "hardworking student" like me =P

..These are the presents I got for ma burpday..

From Carmen
(Love this!! The 'RUM' is good!!)

From mom, Aunt and Uncle =P
spend it?? Of course NOT!! SAVE IT!!

....And THIS.. Is of course from my Dearest Budak.. or Uncle =P *don't smack me!!
..Didn't know what it was at first coz it was too dark.. O.o
..Then only I realized it was a tee =P
..Anyway... Like it very much.. coz it's white.. (White is Pure.. Pure Evil)
..Hehe.. Tomo Arigatou Gozaimasu!!!! You're the best!!

Aiyoyo.. Need to do some ironing first.....

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