Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, October 10, 2008

What a day!!!

..I swear you'll die from heart attack or being beaten to death or slashed and your heart dug out!!
..You are the WORST tutor or should I say HUMAN I've ever seen!!!
..You call yourself a tutor!! BULLSHIT!!
..Urgh!! Can't chill..

Story started like this::.. (Long story but I cut it short)
..I've been going to this tuition center in Midah since December 2007..
..Started off with 3 subjects.. One subject for 50 bucks..
..That moron told us we have to pay advanced fees for November as well because he'll
be freaking busy by that time *NONSENSE!! BULLSHIT!!
..So I paid 75 bucks for Nov..
..Few months later.. I added 2 more subjects..
..Supposingly I have to pay for the advance.. But I didn't coz he didn't ask me to pay..
..He said we are neighbours so he was just being kind.. *BULLSHIT!!
..The other day I told him that I wanted to quit Add Maths and Maths..
..He said fine but I have to pay another 50 bucks for the advance O.O
..I was like "WHY??!!!"
..Then he said "Even though you quit, you still have to pay.."
.. O.O What kind of theory is that?????!!!
.."Mr. OOi.. You might as well rob the bank!!!"
..Then today.. My mom asked him about this thingy and also paid for this month..
..She said "My daughter said you didn't teach.. so just quit.."
..Straight away he 'fan min'..
..He said "How can you say I didn't teach??!! Then you quit all la!!"
.. O.O So that's the attitude of a tutor??
..Then my mom said "Okay.. Then I want a refund!!"
..He : I won't refund!!
..Mom : How can you say you don't want to refund?!!
..Mom : If you don't refund.. I'll report to the police..
..He : You report la..
..My mom was like.........
..Then she went down.. Find my aunt to talk to him..
(before this my aunt and unc already had conflicts with that moron..)
..My aunt was FREAKING PISSED!! She dashed up and shouted at him..
..Three of them quarrelled like crap!!
..Then that moron took out his phone and started taking photos of my aunt with his stupid face
..He said she was too aggresive.. *As if he's not!!
..Then my mom said "Why do you have to take her photo.. Okay.. If you want to take..
then I'll take also!!"
..The moment my mom take her phone out and started taking his pics..
.. O.O How idiotic!!!
..My aunt wanted to punch the fella.. Luckily my mom stopped her..
..If not.. I can't imagine how big this case is going to be..

..Too bad.. I wasn't downstairs to see what was going on..
..After that I followed my mom up..
..To make sure that he deleted all the photos he had taken..
..I was 'GLARING' at him.. almost burning into his flesh..
..Then another woman told us to chill and said that it's all settled..
..She was like 'almost' pushing us out of the door..
..And I was like "Don't touch me!!''
..At last.. My mom got back the money and threw 50 bucks to him..
..For the classes that I went for October..
..That's donation for the pathetic beggar!!

..GoSH!! I really wanted to report to the police!!
..Dare you hit my mom.. I'll kill you!! I SWEAR I WILL!!
..People like him should go to the underworld!!
..There's no difference between him and a robber!!

.....Okie.. I chilled -_-

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