Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Another day without you with me
It's like a blade that cuts right through me
But I can wait
I can wait forever


Thing thing.
Bling bling.
Pink pink.

Thing thing.
Thing thing.
Thing thing.

Monday, April 27, 2009

the unexpected death

Dear Boy
Your presence will still linger among us

You don't deserve to end up like this
Curse that bitch

Friday, April 24, 2009


Which to trust?


or neither??

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mid Valley with mom...



At Kiku Zakura!! =D



OH HEAVEN!!! None other than the raw stuff

I love this baby the most

Mom bought this blouse

Mom bought me a pair of Nike sneakers XD
Yea I know.. Ronald Mcdonald's..

Monday, April 20, 2009

Blog reno -_____-

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ti-Ratana's Food and Fun Fair

Was held in La Salle School..
Not bad..
The only sucky thing was the SUN

That's Chief Reverand and I-don't-know-who

Lion Dance troops for the Tan Sri or Dato' whatever
*Don't give a damn*

WTH.. Fun Fair or Garage Sale???

Market???? -__-


Doggie Show of course!!

I got great shots of those doggies jumping and stuff
but the pics are in Cousin PM's cam =(

Aunt Feli and her twinnies, Lung Lung & Lok Lok
(Don't know who's who =P)

Massage.. UU..

Chief pigging XD
His title is effing long..
Don't even want to mention it here..

This dude's voice is phenomenal O.O

This chihuahua is skinny and ugly =S

Effing KAWAII!!!!


De Javu!!! De Javu!!!

This dude here's Victor the Magician
(He ain't that good.. I saw his tricks.. Mom blew his cover XD )

Making a blue poodle

Wee!! Poodle!! Mine =D

Cousin PM's flower.. LOL

Doing his magic

Okie.. So Shan picked this card and showed us..

Then Victor gave each of us his namecard and
said the card that Shan picked is behind the card..

We flipped it and............

"Chief!! No violence!!! You're a reverand!!"

Chief with his pinky sword & pinky bear.. LOL


Chief and I

He said the pic wasn't nice because of his robe..
So Again.. Haha..

Me, Chief & Cousin PM

Friday, April 17, 2009

I'm Not God

When I'm just joking, they take it for real.
When I'm telling the truth, they thought I'm lying.
When I don't talk, they say I'm too quiet.
When I talk, no one listens.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

What makes a Malaysian, A Malaysian X)

1. A typical young Malaysian can name all the players from a top English Premier League Club, but when he was asked to name one football player from Malaysia, he could not!!

2. When Streamyx comes, you complain Streamyx too slow.When Maxis Broadband comes, you complain Maxis Broadband always disconnects. When WiMax comes, you complain Wimax too expensive. In the end, you say Streamyx still the best lah.

3. When highway toll price increases, you complain. When petrol price increases, you complain. When you go to Starbucks to get a 10bucks coffee, NO COMPLAINTS.

4. When you cannot find a parking space in a shopping mall and you have to walk a distance, you complain. When you are inside the mall and there's SALE, you run from one end of 1U to the other, that.. NO COMPLAINT.

5. You are always late and the excuse you give when you're late is always either: (a) traffic jam (b) no transport (c) cannot find parking.

6. You have parents who forces you to take science stream in high school, study engineering in Uni and when you graduate, they ask you to forget everything you've learnt in Uni and do commerce.

7. You know someone who can specially develop an 'angmoh' accent when speaking to an American / British / Australian.

8. You complain about the government in kopitiam, you talk loud loud. Leave anonymous comments on blogs, you also talk loud loud. Attend seminars by DAP, you shout loud loud. Then when Opposition organizes a protest and ask you to go, you don't want. Scared later kena tangkap by ISA.

9. Every year on the 30th April, you are one of the people below queueing up at the very last minute to submit your tax return at the IRB.

10. When you pay RM10 for something that costs RM1, you blame the Chinese.

11. When the government's service is too slow, you blame the Malays.

12. When a building is not good and collapsed, you blame the Indians.

13. When a Chinese student won a scholarship, you say "Wah!! Very clever hor??". When a Malay student won a scholarship, you say "Aiya!! Of course lah!! He Malay mah!!"

14. When an 'angmoh' stranger kisses you on the cheek to say "Hello", you're very happy. When a Malaysian guy kisses you on the cheek to say "Hello", You slap him in the face.






We are unique.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Been rotting at home for 3 days already.
2 more days to go.
Think I'm going to die.
Need to see human. [Besides my parents]
Need to connect with the outside world.
No difference between me and a Yeti.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


8 Months and still counting on =)
[Showing off his straight, clean teeth... XD]

This dude got his ear pierced

[Show off earring 'pulak']
Tagged by the Yee Kee

The person who tagged you .
Tan Yee Kee

Your relationship with him/her is .
Friends =)

Your 5 impressions of him/her .
Pretty, tall.. erm.. Sometimes loud?? Haha =X

The most memorable thing he/she had done for you .
Erm.. ??

The most memorable thing he/she had said to you .
Hi?? lol

If he/she became your lover , you will .
Make a great L relationship with her XD

If he/she became your lover , things he/she has to improve on will be .

If he/she became your enemy , you will .
Kill her....... XD

If he/she became your enemy , the reason will be .
We won't be enemies =)

The most desire thing you want to do for him/her now .
Pray that she won't get herself lost in the campus XD

Your overall impression of him/her is .
Fun and easy-going

How you think the people around you will feel about you ?
Lame =)

The characters you love of yourself are .

On the contrary, the characters that you hate about yourself .
Nothing.. I don't hate it.. That's just me =)

The most ideal person that you want to be is .

For people who cares and loves you , say something to them .
I appreciate everything that you've done for me

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