Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Hectic Wesak & Without-A-Mother-For-Half-A-Day Mother's Day

Mother's Day!!
Mom's working...........
What kind of job is this man...
Wants a mother to work on Mother's Day..
That 'bitch S' was even suckier..
Secretly took leave today..
And she's not even a mother.......


Yesterday's Wesak Day was...
Encountered some strange and not so ordinary and funny moments

Not so ordinary
- For the first time in 11 years.. I saw Sze tied her hair!!!!! XD

- Everyone prefers the orangey robe than the brown ones.. So they insisted on the orange ones.. They were just doing something something stupid and pointless XD
Szeeeeeeeeeeee X)

Saw many peculiar homos
- A woman kept laughing while she talked -_-
- An uncle from Thailand insisted to pay for the red packet which is FREE
- An old woman who just couldn't get tired asking questions
- An Indian guy came up to me and said something LOL

Saw some familiar faces
- Chia Sing
- Bryant [I don't know him]
- Hmm.. Forgotten =D

In the office.. There was this kid who didn't get my name the first time..
So she was calling "Kay Li!! Kay Li!!"
*I was concentrating Plurking* =P
"Kay Li!!"
*Everyone was looking* ==
So I looked at her.. She asked "Your name's Kay Li right??
I said "No.. It's Kai Li"
She.. "Kay Li??!! "
An auntie sitting there helped me corrected her "Her name's Kai Li"
The kid.. "O.. Kai Li!! Kai Li!!"
She was so loud.. Everyone was looking even harder -.-"
I was like *Can you stop saying my name!!!! People are looking!! WTH!!*

Chief and the Sri Lanka's High Commissioner

Sold these robes..
More then 30000 robes sold O.O

'People mountain people sea'

Some Datin's bag cut.. Theft XD

Why is she taking a monk's bag anyway??? -_-??

Auntie Suzie and her doggies

Homos queueing for blessing

Queue queue queue

Oops.. Plurking!! XP

Blessing.. Alaa..

He's so cute!!

Hehheheh.. Adorable..

Another cutie..

His hair is standing at 2 inches high..
Sama gang!! =D

His sister.. Even cuter..

When I was taking his bro's pic..
She came to me and said..
"Wei shen ma ni pai wo didi??"
"Ta bu si huan de"
"Ta hui ku de"

Later at night..
Finally decided to join the Procession..
Dear joined too =D
Dad firmly said he wasn't going to join coz once is enough.. Lol
But at last he gave in and joined the walk =D
Chun.. We walked from Brickfields to Bukit Bintang and back to Bricks..

AHHH!! These little monks are so cute!!!

Hehehhe... Chased these Bhante(s) =P

He sprinkled lots of HOLY water on us.. Ish.. Purposely..

Ala.. Banyak hal XP

Mom was doing her marathon.. Speeding to catch up with Chief..
Dad was WAAAY behind coz he didn't want to go ahead of
those "Buddha statue".. Religious thingy -___-
So Dear and I just walked.. Hehe..

Cam in the middle of the road..
Tiny chance to do that.. Lol..

Oh my..... This is the first time I 'naturally' expose my teeth in a photo..

Then we saw Chief standing at the side of the road!! -___-!!!

He went back to his COMFY AIR-COND room after that while we were still walking..

Caught up with mom..
Continued walking..
Reached Puduraya..
Lost mom again -_________________-
Then she called and asked me to get her a Coke while she waits for dad.. -.-
Went into Kentucky to buy the drink..
U-turned.. Drink.. Then walk again




Sadhu. Sadhu. Sadhu.

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