Tokio Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, May 8, 2009


name - Kai Li / Kylie [No diff.. Same pronunciation]
sisters - Nope
brothers - Nope =(
shoe size - 8/9
where do u live - Long River
favourite drinks -MILO!! Corona Beer =P
favourite breakfast - Definitely bread!!
have you been on the plane - Yea.. Love the pick up =D
swam in the ocean - Erm.. 10m from the beach.. Does that count?? LOL!!
broken someone's heart - Mom ="(
fallen asleep in school - Who doesn't???? -__-
fell of your chair - No.. Lol..
sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call - Sort of but the other way X)
saved e-mails - No.. Just leave it.. Lol
what is your room like - Cosy?? XD
what is the last thing you ate - McD!! XD


chicken pox - No.. Got the injection =D
stitches - Noooooooo
broken nose - NOOOOOOOO
do you believe in love at first sight - NO.. Erm.. Wait.. Don't know.. Lol..
who was the last person you danced with - I don't dance.. *Except for 'YOU'-know-what-dance =D
last person who made you smile - Mr. Cassidy Tan =D


talked to someone you like - Totally!!
kissed anyone - XD Interesting venue.. Haha!!
get sick - NOOO
talked to an ex - Noooo -__-
missing someone - YES!!
best feeling in the world - "That moment"
do you sleep with stuffed animals - Mr. Cassidy!!! XD
what's under your bed - Ghosts from Coming Soon, The Grudge, The Eye.......
what is the time now - 10.32 p.m.


is there a person on your mind right now - Yeaaaa....
do you want children - Pass...
do you smile often - Depends...
what colour shirt are you wearing now - Peach
when did you cry last - Last year
are you a friendly person - Depends X)
where is the person you have feelings for right now - Home sweet home
do you eat healthy - No.. I eat food XD
do you still have pictures with you and your ex - Hell no.. We didn't take a single pic....
have you ever cried because of something someone said to you - No.. I don't usually cry -__-
if you're having a bad day , who are you most likely to go to - No one..
are you loud or quiet most of the time - Depends where I am and who I'm with...
are you confident - No


1 . IKO Biscuit!!
2 . Wasabi Peanuts!!
3 . Kindori's Ice-cream!!
4 . Mochi!!
5 . His "_i _s" *You know what.. (If 'YOU' know what I mean.. LOL)

5 Person I have to tag

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